Biden and Reid are chit chatting about how to defuse the filibuster debacle, a pure, simple, scary power grab by the GOP (goons on patrol). Meanwhile, Rove is saying there will be no compromise. Liddy Dole is stretching the truth, which is to say lying, to Judy Woodruff, Frist is playing misunderstood victim to the Dobson Brigade and I hate to say it but I think it is true - The Democrats are bungling basic public relations AGAIN. Why does the party i belong to never learn? We cannot give the current GOP an inch. They will take 100 miles, and still pretend the Democrats are out of control and some how out to endanger America.
Reid rips it up in a speech no one sees - then rolls over on Inside Politics. It is truly pathetic. It isn't all the media's fault. On a simple, straight forward, easy to explain issue like retaining the filibuster they cannot get the message out. All they have to do is announce what these judges stand for and say "W has gotten 95% of his judges through" and repeat it over and over again. But Biden blathers on about nothing trying to prove that he is a good guy. Reid talks about how he thinks we can still work something out. We can't still work it out. It is too late. The democrats are being stomped, the GOP knows it - why don't the Democrats?
If the Democrats lose on the fililbuster and Bolton they are essentially useless as a party. When are we going to understand that the GOP puts on a smile and then takes no prisoners. Politics is rough. FDR, Truman, LBJ, Bobby Kennedy gave as good as they got. We must shake the impulse to flinch and kill the need to look like the good guys. Just US Sunday proved one thing: they intend to show no mercy. We should return the favor.
Received a comment I liked a great deal to my Harpers post. Was writing back to Brash - and figured it was a fine blog - here it is:
Hey Brash -
funny name for starters. made me smile- sorry it has taken a while to respond to you. and honestly i don't spend a huge amount of time on my blog. please feel free to link up. I am all about the "conversation" taking precedent over the "screaming".
I don't see any difference between the radical left and the radical right. both end in violence which i oppose out of hand. I just know that what progressives believe in is right. It is proven over and over and over again in American history. And, hey, i like being on the winning side. We lose battles all the time in America, but so far, we win all the wars over ideology. As for gay marriage - it is interesting to me that conservatives haven't noticed that they have already lost. The conversation has moved to the Left so far no one on the Right has caught up to it. Howard Dean passed Civil Unions to great derision 6 years ago. Now it is the fall back position of conservatives who don't like the word "marriage" associated with "gay". The Left has won. The worst thing that can happen is civil unions in some blue states. That's a win for the Left already. and it won't end there.
I have no problem with the no gay marriage amendments being put on ballots. But I don't see litigating this issue in courts as overly confrontational - or even really aggressive. It is American. Should same sex couples be given the same rights as opposite sex couples? It's a good question. Does the equal protection clause count on this issue? That's all it is. The courts are not a back room way of getting things done in America. They are part of the system. States in the South would have voted to keep segregation - that does not mean it was constitutional. It wasn't. Did judges shove school desegregation down our throats? Yup. They did. Because they did their jobs - interpreting the Constitution. The majority does not get to create second class citizens on false pretenses. - and all the arguments against gay marriage i have heard so far are false.
the responsibility for the failure rate in heterosexual marriages lies with heterosexuals. Homosexuality is not a perversion. It is a natural occurrence in a percentage of the population of all mammals. It has been with us forever. Gay men and women have always been born. The Bible arguments are no good either for these reasons A. The laws of this country are not based on the bible - nor should they be. They are based on the Constitution, written by a bunch of guys who were in no way fundamentalist. B. the bible says all sorts of things we ALL find reprehensible now. Or just odd. The legality of selling your daughter into slavery, Stoning adulterers etc etc. Opening the door up to Biblically based laws is a slippery slope indeed. Bible fundamentalists are not really fundamentalists at all. They pick and choose from the bible just like every one else. C. Families are in no way affected by gay couples. Families are often destroyed by other things though - alcoholism, bad economic policies, out sourcing of jobs, wars fought under false pretenses.
The Left is not "forcing" anything here. It is standing up for people. Decent people.
I have a close friend would was injured in Iraq - he's a marine and a gay man. One of the finest patriots you will ever meet. If he is in a loving relationship with another man - why is he not afforded the same rights to marry the person he loves as the straight guy in the fox hole next to him? He's good enough to go to war, be injured and decorated.
So i don't think court battles are forcing any agenda. however - taking us to war against a country that did not attack us under very questionable circumstances - is forcing an agenda. telling people during an election that Social security was not going to be changed ( W did say this when the NY times reported that he intended this to be his first post election policy initiative last fall) and then doing exactly what the NY TIMES said - is forcing an agenda. Insisting that judges be people of "faith" - meaning fundamentalist Christians - is forcing an agenda.
The way i see it the Left is simply trying to be heard over a media that is almost completely Right Wing, a government that is entirely Republican, and a large group of religious zealots who are determined to undermine the fabric of American democracy.
I know I know - you don't think the media is Right wing - it is though. There are still liberal spots here and there - but please watch MSM for a week. count the vocal conservatives versus the vocal liberals. there is hardly an openly liberal person on any more. A few moderates here and there. Keith Oberman is pretty Left - but that's it. The rest of the non Fox anchors pretty much report what they think will get ratings - which may be left, right or just sensational. The agenda is ratings. and fear of Fox. It is absolutely irresponsible in a democracy. Examine the Jeff Gannon affair, and how it was dealt with in the media - this is the perfect proof that the media is Right Wing. A paid male hooker gets security clearance to the White house for a year - and no one in the media would pursue it. Imagine if that guy had been in Clinton's press room. It would still be getting play. Robert Novak is still on TV - and he probably knows who outed a CIA agent. The NY TIMES reporters are fighting for their freedom. Novak is on TV. That is Right Wing bias. The examples are too numerous to mention. But the big lie that the media is liberal is repeated so much that it has passed into myth.
Anyway, responding to your comment is helpful. Clarifying. I feel good about the arguments for the most part. I think they are healthy. I don't see any radical leftists on the scene right now that scare me. I do see radical right wingers that do though. conservatives don't scare me - i just think they are wrong - almost always. I don't want Bolton to be confirmed - but don't care much if he is - he's just gonna make a fool of himself, have the job for a few years, affect no change, and leave. Filibuster? - well, go for it - conservatives will rue the day. Put those crazy judges on the bench. Have one of them strike down Minimum wage (that IS what they believe in) . Liberals will sweep to power. A conservative President believes babies are being killed and he wants an amendment to ban gay marriage - but won't put one forward to ban abortion. Why is that? You know why - because he would get hammered and lose power. So is he a man of principle? He thinks babies are dying - but does nothing. I am flabbergasted that the Right does nothing about this. Babies are dying - so they say - and this man is chattering about Social Security and gay marriage, chewing around the edges of the abortion debate. W does not beleive that babies are dying or, if he does, he does not care. I am amazed that the fundamentalists don't see that they are being used. They are envelope stuffers for big business. I say over turn Roe vrs. Wade - there will be hell to pay.
Dobson and the fundamentalists scare me though. He doesn't want to put forth policy - he wants to change the structure of democracy. In fact, if you reall examine the result if they got their way - it would be the end of democracy. So we must stand firm against him for the sake of the country we love.
That's it - sorry this was so long - you seem like a good egg. Keep the faith. What we have in common far out strips what we don't.
sock monkey.
I can't understand why the red state people vote against their own economic interest and we aren't letting them know, hey, guess what?
Minimum wage - you haven't had a raise since 1996 when a Democrat was president.
Bankruptcy - see what they're doing to you - good luck with the medical bills
Medicaid - they're going to cut it to shreds
Social Security - the President has been pretty consistent since his days at Harvard that he wants it gone.
Family leave act -thank a Democrat
Tax cuts? Not for the average American. I paid more this year (AND IT HURTS) than last year. Estate tax? Yeah, Paris Hilton won't have to pay, good for her.
The problem as I see it, and feel free to help me out with this, is the most people want to be rich so they think that voting Republican will get them there. It's like a "W" sticker on a Yugo, no one wants to think of themselves as a Welfare Queen, but the reality of the matter is that the Red States take most of the money from Washington and the Blue states are sending it to them.
We need a comprehensive marketing plan to educate people that the Republicans are taking away from them and the Democrats are actually working for them to provide a better life.
It's so frustrating that we get bogged down in the single issue shit. God help me, I'm prochoice but NAARL and Planned Parenthood you aren't doing anything for progessives.
The Republicans win because they're on message, consistently. They work together, in spite of the current rift we're seeing.
Healthcare and Gas Prices, hammer it home and we will win.
The problem is, who is going to lead?
Ran into one old friend puttering between Jamba juice and the hardware store today - He has been amazingly precient over the years about politics. He has called elections well before the outcome was clear to anyone else. In 1991 he told me Bush 1 was a loser. At the time George had an approval rating in the 90's - when i pointed this out - he said "yeah, but he golfs too much." Strange as it sounded at the time it turned out to be quite a wise, flip remark. Later, in 1994 - when Clinton was in the tank - he told me Clinton was a lock for relection. Huh? Then he said the speech in Oklahoma after the bombing was in essence his relection speech and no one had the talent to beat him. Later that year-1994 - he called W in 2000 and never wavered for 6 years. While waiting for our high calorie, low guilt juices - he said to me "McCain is running. He will win. Republicans for the forseeable future." Much as i did not want to hear this, i have the sinking feeling he is right. Democrats still have not learned how to play the issues in their favor. Today, on Harball, a REPUBLICAN Senator was expressing concern about gas prices. So what?!!- you ask? - The Democrats can not seem to EVER go on offense. They are still incapable of grabbing an obvious issue and taking the mike, unless the GOP has given the cue. Attacking Delay is fine. It will win exactly ZERO elections. An aggressive stance on Gas Prices and Health Care prices would catapult the Democrats upward. It would SWING swing states. It would put the Democrats in a position to win in 2006.
And yet - they spend their time barking at Bolton - nice, but a sure loser. The GOP always knows how to pick and frame winning issues. It is NOT HARD. Karl Rove is not a genius. He's just smart. Whether we like it or not we should take some cues from him. The other choice is perpetual minority status. It feels GREAT to take a GOP goon down here and there - but we are paying for it with the destruction of the New Deal and the social contract that goes with it. Winning is possible. The best Defense of America is a good Offense. Medicare and Health care costs are winners. Simple. We should not wait for McCain to bring them up when he announces he's running.
I'll admit it, I have not been able to let the memo-gate go. My animosity is still pretty high towards Senator Martinez, too. It's nice that he doesn't disappoint.
This was in The Orlando Sentinel this morning:
Martinez said he is working with the administration on the issue and doesn't regret his vote for arctic drilling -- which was part of his campaign positions. "The people of Florida don't want it. The people of Alaska did."
Nice, right? I wrote a letter to the editor, I'll let you know if it gets published. I also wrote a letter to Senator Martinez, tilting at windmills once again. I said that I thought Alaska already had two senators and why would he ignore the wishes of his constituency and represent Alaska instead? I've written and emailed the senator a number of times. I'm sure this letter will receive the same response...absolutely nothing. I probably should have told Senator Martinez about mixing his tenses, his sentence should have been, The people of Florida didn't want it. But I'm just nit picking.
I would like to ask anyone from Florida (someone questioned me about calling myself a Floridian on another blog so I'll just ask any resident of the state) to send the fine senator a message that perhaps he'd like to represent us. You know, since that's what he was elected to do.
PS - I was actually born in Florida but since 2000 I kind of like to keep it quiet.
Update - no, my letter wasn't printed this morning.
Update 4/16/05 - my letter was printed this morning! Yeah! (Clearly, I am a nerd) I had corrected Senator Martinez' grammer and matched the tenses in his statement but the paper put it back as he said it. No matter, mine was the first letter.
Shays is after Delay. whooppi!! Now, don't get me wrong -I am glad about this. The relentless hammering of the exterminator formerly known as the Hammer is a VERY GOOD THING indeed. Depending on other wise unforseen events that would fill up the mulitplex news outlets - so many screens - so few choices - ( examples: Castro kicking, another federalization of a feeding tube, the outing of an American Idol) I would give Delay a month in the leadership. Of course, Wolf Blitzer and Paula Zahn might decide to distract us with exploding breat implants or more VERY IMPORTANT UPDATES about W's Ipod. In which case all bets are off. Delay could delay his demise. But i doubt it.
The 24 hour media needs one mini series after another. Shiavo, the Pope etc. Delay fits the bill. It is a story with legs, as they say. and, i might add, i look forward to this story smearing the headlines for WEEKS TO COME. Delay certainly is getting what he deserves, Let's face it - everyone LOVES the bully getting bullied. And if the bully's politics are retrograde anti American slime - which they are - that is all the better.
I believe the GOP peaked the moment before W left Crawford to interfere in the Shiavo case. That is when they misplayed and misplaced their power in a simple, scary way. The second term's first impression WAS BAD. Combined with the back ground noise of Social Security lies, gas prices, and the spooky filibuster power grab, and the duck became really lame, really early. Not to mention Senator Mel's memo spasm. Even those who refuse to pay attention know something ain't right with these people.
HOWEVER: Democrats can not expect to do nothing and come out ahead forever. The issues that are the pavement to victory are simple. HEALTH CARE COSTS and a MARSHALL PLAN TO MAKE US ENERGY INDEPENDENT. Just health care would win a chunk of seats in congress. Talk to anyone for 5 minutes about what is on their mind. Gas prices. Health care prices. Where is the democratic leadership? The DNC has been so lame for so long that they are missing the obvious - AGAIN. It is funny to hear Dems say they finally understand that they are in the minority in DC. No, it's not funny - it's idiotic. The rest of us have been clear about this for YEARS. We must STOP losing. Reid, Pelosi, WHOEVER should be responding to every question about Social Security with an answer about health care costs. And they should be doing it on TELEVISION. Why is P.R. so difficult for these people? I wonder if they want to win elections. I really do.
Where to start?
Tom Delay, of course!
From The Washington Post today:
Allies and friends of House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (Tex.) have concluded that public attention to his ethics is unlikely to abate for months to come, and they plan to try to preserve his power by launching an aggressive media strategy and calling in favors from prominent conservative leaders, according to Republicans participating in the strategy sessions.
The Republicans said the strategy combines leaks from DeLay allies about questionable Democratic trips and financial matters; denunciations of unfavorable news stories as biased, orchestrated rehashes; and swift, organized responses to journalists' inquiries.
So, in order to fight the vast left wing conspiracy Mr. Delay has decided to use the time honored third grade strategy, "He did it, too." Let me speak for all mothers of America and say, "Tom, if he jumped of a bridge would you have done that, too?"
But wait, there's more! This is from Fox News (Oh, Tom, you in trouble!)
As Senate Republicans try to push through several of the president's judicial nominees, top Republicans told FOX News that the party is still smarting from what they perceive as massive public backlash against their legislation that ordered Schiavo's case to be reviewed by a federal court. Sources said Frist and other top Republicans are annoyed at Delay for criticizing the judges who ruled against intervening in the matter.
DeLay has been making headlines lately over other issues as well. Liberal groups have launched ads attacking his allegedly unethical connections to lobbyists and former associates, which are under investigation. Other news reports have raised questions about his use of campaign cash. The House Ethics Committee rebuked him three times in one week last year. You wonder how many people are actually taking his calls now? Toxic Tom is going to be talking to a lot of receptionists. Um, yeah, he just stepped out of the office, um, ok, he, ah, well, he just stepped into a meeting, jeez, sorry, but he's on a conference call. No, no, I don't need your number.
And finally, there's this from MSNBC:
"Everybody is lying," Abramoff told a former colleague. There are e-mails and records that will implicate others, he said. He was noticeably caustic about House Majority Leader Tom DeLay. For years, nobody on Washington's K Street corridor was closer to DeLay than Abramoff. They were an unlikely duo. DeLay, a conservative Christian, and Abramoff, an Orthodox Jew, traveled the world together and golfed the finest courses. Abramoff raised hundreds of thousands for DeLay's political causes and hired DeLay's aides, or kicked them business, when they left his employ. But now DeLay, too, has problems—in part because of overseas trips allegedly paid for by Abramoff's clients. In response, DeLay and his aides have said repeatedly they were unaware of Abramoff's behind-the-scenes financing role. "Those S.O.B.s," Abramoff said last week about DeLay and his staffers, according to his luncheon companion. "DeLay knew everything. He knew all the details."
Let's move on, shall we? How about we revisit Senator Martinez? I'm not letting this go. His good friend, Myriam Marquez wrote an interesting editorial in The Orlando Sentinel today.
Has Martinez's loyalty to Bush and White House political guru Karl Rove, who encouraged him to run for the Senate, so blinded him to partisan bullying that he doesn't see the unethical muck that's sinking his past reputation as a straight-shooter?
When I spoke to him over coffee a couple weeks ago -- when the memo was all the Washington buzz -- he seemed disgusted that anyone would use Schiavo's suffering as a political strategy.
Well, someone did, and if Martinez didn't know what his lawyer was up to, then the question begs: Who's really running things?
It's one thing to surround yourself with political operatives sent by the White House during a hard-fought Senate campaign in a presidential election year. (Ask Bill Clinton -- both parties do it.) But once elected, Martinez promised to be his own man and seek bipartisan solutions, particularly on issues that affect Florida. So why the memo?
A look at Martinez's staff reads like a who's who of political operatives and ideologues.
Matthew Hunter, the personable former White House associate political director who worked for Rove, now heads Martinez's Florida offices as state director. Is Hunter's role to oversee constituent service -- the traditional job of a state director -- or to strategize how to unseat Nelson in next year's election? If not for Memogate, we wouldn't have to wonder.
Martinez's legislative director is Tripp Baird, who ran Senate relations for the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank. He plotted GOP strategy with lobbyists and congressional staff members as part of the Conservative Working Group. The senator's chief of staff, John Little, came from an Alabama senator's office.
There's nothing wrong with these guys working for Martinez -- if that's whom they're really working for.
I wrote Ms. Marquez a letter thanking her for the editorial; I then copied the letter and sent it off to Senator Martinez, adding an apology for his receptionist and about five or six disgustings and cravens. Just so he gets the picture.
You're probably wondering, what about President Bush? OK, good questions. How much do you think his gone in 60 seconds tour is costing us? From
President Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and more than 20 other administration officials have blanketed the country since early February, delivering more than 100 speeches in 37 states in an effort to rally the public behind Bush's Social Security plans.
Although no hard figures on costs are available, rough calculations show the White House and other agencies have spent at least $2.2 million on the campaign so far.
Super! I don't know much about money but perhaps, Mr. President, if you would just put that money back in the Social Security Trust Fund you could help us out. Thanks, thanks a lot. Because the more you talk about your imaginary plan the less people like it! Stay home.
OK, well that's enough outrage for today. Check in tomorrow for news about how Walmart has more employees and their families on Medicaid in Florida than any other employer in the state!
Same bat time, same bat channel!
I try so hard to look on the bright side.
I live in Florida, I was actually born in Florida (I have moved around a lot so don't judge me too harshly). Can I tell you how embarrassing it is to be from The Sunshine State? You know it's bad when Californians are saying, "at least we're not in Florida."
Mel Martinez, my senator, admitted to his office authoring the infamous "talking points memo". Of course, it was all his aide's fault. RIGHT. You work with someone every day and you don't know their views on an issue? How stupid does he think we are? I just called his office and the poor receptionist could not get me off the phone quick enough. I said, if the memo was reported by ABC on March 18th why did Senator Martinez JUST admit that it came from your office? The man who wrote it wouldn't stand up? She said, you know he's been fired, right? I said, yes, but I'd like to know why he was HIRED. Why would Senator Martinez hire a DeLay operative? And why, oh why would Senator Martinez allow all the usual suspects, Rush, Tucker et al to accuse the Democrats of dirty tricks while his office just sat on their hands and lied?
Mr. Martinez has been know to blame his aides for other political dirty tricks. During his campaign for Senate in 2004 he smeared his fellow Republican by calling him "the darling of homosexual extremists." Against his opponent, Betty Castor there's this:
His staff also put out a news release criticizing Castor for campaigning with former Attorney General Janet Reno. The release referred to the federal agents who took custody of Elián as "armed thugs." Martinez later said his staff should not have used that terminology to refer to federal agents. Well, Senator Martinez, here's a few questions. If you can't control your staff, how are we supposed to trust you to do your job in Washington? Why are you in Rome instead of here, in Florida, apologizing to each and every one of us for your craven actions? Because, Senator Martinez, the idea of you attending the Pope's funeral after you used a poor woman's tragedy for political gain makes me sick.
I get so confused.
Pulling Ms. Schiavo's feeding tube = bad Advocating killing Judge Greer = good Abortion = bad Death Penalty = good Paying for Ms. Schiavo's care with Medicaid and a "frivolous" law suit = good Medicaid and damages from lawsuits = bad Tax and Spend Liberals = bad Borrow and Spend Conservatives = good
The Republicans are the Hallmark of politics - a principle for every occasion.
The schoolyard fascists are losing ground. They peaked the moment before W cut short his vacation. That may well be the moment that the right wing finally made itself clear to those who were not paying attention. Cowering, confused, mushy liberals are the right wings feeding tube. Most of us have pulled this tube out. Most of us are not mushy and befuddled. The blogs and Air America and Howard Dean continue to show the way out.
Watch Insanity and Colms, listen to Rush for 5 minutes – then read America Blog or Crooks and Liars and it is clear the wing nuts are spewing their bile out at an imaginary group of ghost liberals. I hear the bile sometimes and think, “who is he talking about? “ I am a liberal Democrat and proud of it. My views are clear and thoughtful:
Health care should be universal.
The general well being of business is obviously important. It is never more important than safe guarding the environment. When the earth goes – we go.
Accountable, freely elected government (that is to say you and me being represented) has a reasonable place promoting the public good. But never, ever in any clearly private matters.
Voting Paper trails. (See above) – trust but verify.
Women – and men – should control their own bodies. Period.
Gay couples codifying a commitment to each other strengthens society.
Tight controls of weapons in society is a really good, life affirming idea.
In a republic war must always be a last resort. This is a pact we make and keep with those who must fight the war.
The list goes on. All my views are pretty straightforward.
They are not pot-induced mush. We are not who the wing nuts are talking about. They have created phantom enemies to go with their phantom issues.
Tom Delay jumped the shark last week. The despicable congressional "member” threatened the free and independent judiciary after Ms. Shiavo died. This was after he engineered the late night constitutional coup by literally making a federal case out of a feeding tube. The result: he is sinking fast in his own district.
As a thoughtful person Delay disgusts me. No ONE thing that the right wing thugs have done since 9/11 has freaked me out. The slow, steady insurgency against civil liberties has angered me – but to be blunt – it has not scared me. I am an American Patriot. I tend to like most Americans. I get us. I am one of us. I love us. They – the right wing nuts – can only go so far when they come after us. And they know it. Using the tragedy in Florida as a political stunt was too far. And they knew it the moment the first polls came out. And they all ran for cover like roaches when the light gets flipped on. There was no principle involved. They no longer have principles. IF their had been principles involved W would have continued the fight. The GOP (Goons On Patrol) would have continued the fight despite the polls. That is what having principles means.
The American people roared back and those punks scattered. Let's keep it up.
I just watched a show about Texas Western beating Kentucky in 1966 for the NCAA tournament. Texas Western had an all black starting five and Kentucky's entire team was white. The show went on to talk about Tubby Smith who is now the coach of Kentucky. Can I tell you something? I never thought of Coach Smith being any color. I just think he's a hell of a coach. That's what sports does for you. You cheer for your team, you don't care what color the player is, you just want him to make the basket. Although, if Kobe Bryant became a Celtic, I wouldn't cheer for him. There are some lines you can't cross.
If you only knew how many times I offered to marry Robert Parish during the 80's (my glory days of basketball). Not that he knew about it, otherwise I'd be Mrs. Parish, obviously, but he couldn't hear me through the TV.
I live in a neighborhood that is predominately Hispanic. It's funny when you hear the kids say, "you know, the white kid." One of my neighbors and I were talking when we first moved in and she is from Cuba. I said, "it's like a regular United Nations here, we have people from Nicaragua, Venezuela, Puerto Rico, Columbia and Ecuador." She said, "Yeah, and we were surprised when you moved in." After the hurricanes, we all got together to help each other out. I could not be happier with where I live.
Color blindness is a wonderful thing.
I used to think President Bush' favorite book was My Pet Goat. Now, I'm beginning to think it's The Godfather. Or maybe he just saw the movie, I don't want to question the President's anti-intellectual street cred.
The president recently threatened any member of congress who opposes his plan (not that he actually has one) for Social Security with political consequences. Or as the inimitable Adam Felber of Fanatical Apathy put it, reaper cushions.
He's making us an offer we can't refuse. I say we go to the mattresses.
Then there's Mr. DeLay. What is wrong with the people of Sugarland, Texas? Why do they keep voting for this guy? With the country bitterly divided (82%-18%) on the government interfering with the Schiavo case he is threatening judges. Tom, the MAJORITY of Americans disagreed with your Palm Sunday stunt. Now go away and take Randall Terry with you. Please. Thank you very much. Shout out to Senators Kennedy and Lautenberg for putting the little man in his place. PS, Tom, when Dick Cheney tells you you've crossed the line, those birds above you?Vultures.
Our country is being run by the Mafia; unfortunately they look more like Abe Vigoda than Al Pacino.
With the passing of Ms. Schiavo and the Pope there has been quite a bit of talk on religion on blogs. What amazes me is the lack of tolerance on either side. The snake holding, bible thumping, fake healing, send us your money right. On the other side, the atheistic, ain't no God, you're stupid if you believe, faith is farce left.
I don't think I have to tell you what my feelings are for the right. But when an atheist feels the need to tell everyone who has any beliefs at all that they are all stupid and idiots do they not understand they are brothers in arms with the right? They proselytize the great Saint Nothing and you must convert. Just because you're an athiest doesn't mean you can't be a zealot.
I don't want to live in a world without the archbishop Tutu, not only because his name is so much fun to say, but because he has made a difference. Where would civil rights be with out the reverend Martin Luther King, Jr.?
My commandments are:
Do Good Be Nice Have Fun
I'm thinking of adding a few but I don't want to be over zealous, I look for input but here are a few suggestions: give a complement whenever you can, let the guy in on the freeway and always give a thank you wave when someone lets you in (you can also blow a kiss, especially if you look like Johnny Depp).