The schoolyard fascists are losing ground. They peaked the moment before W cut short his vacation. That may well be the moment that the right wing finally made itself clear to those who were not paying attention. Cowering, confused, mushy liberals are the right wings feeding tube. Most of us have pulled this tube out. Most of us are not mushy and befuddled. The blogs and Air America and Howard Dean continue to show the way out.
Watch Insanity and Colms, listen to Rush for 5 minutes – then read America Blog or Crooks and Liars and it is clear the wing nuts are spewing their bile out at an imaginary group of ghost liberals. I hear the bile sometimes and think, “who is he talking about? “ I am a liberal Democrat and proud of it. My views are clear and thoughtful:
Health care should be universal.
The general well being of business is obviously important. It is never more important than safe guarding the environment. When the earth goes – we go.
Accountable, freely elected government (that is to say you and me being represented) has a reasonable place promoting the public good. But never, ever in any clearly private matters.
Voting Paper trails. (See above) – trust but verify.
Women – and men – should control their own bodies. Period.
Gay couples codifying a commitment to each other strengthens society.
Tight controls of weapons in society is a really good, life affirming idea.
In a republic war must always be a last resort. This is a pact we make and keep with those who must fight the war.
The list goes on. All my views are pretty straightforward.
They are not pot-induced mush. We are not who the wing nuts are talking about. They have created phantom enemies to go with their phantom issues.
Watch Insanity and Colms, listen to Rush for 5 minutes – then read America Blog or Crooks and Liars and it is clear the wing nuts are spewing their bile out at an imaginary group of ghost liberals. I hear the bile sometimes and think, “who is he talking about? “ I am a liberal Democrat and proud of it. My views are clear and thoughtful:
Health care should be universal.
The general well being of business is obviously important. It is never more important than safe guarding the environment. When the earth goes – we go.
Accountable, freely elected government (that is to say you and me being represented) has a reasonable place promoting the public good. But never, ever in any clearly private matters.
Voting Paper trails. (See above) – trust but verify.
Women – and men – should control their own bodies. Period.
Gay couples codifying a commitment to each other strengthens society.
Tight controls of weapons in society is a really good, life affirming idea.
In a republic war must always be a last resort. This is a pact we make and keep with those who must fight the war.
The list goes on. All my views are pretty straightforward.
They are not pot-induced mush. We are not who the wing nuts are talking about. They have created phantom enemies to go with their phantom issues.
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