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Monday, April 11, 2005

do we want to win?

Shays is after Delay. whooppi!!
Now, don't get me wrong -I am glad about this. The relentless hammering of the exterminator formerly known as the Hammer is a VERY GOOD THING indeed. Depending on other wise unforseen events that would fill up the mulitplex news outlets - so many screens - so few choices - ( examples: Castro kicking, another federalization of a feeding tube, the outing of an American Idol) I would give Delay a month in the leadership. Of course, Wolf Blitzer and Paula Zahn might decide to distract us with exploding breat implants or more VERY IMPORTANT UPDATES about W's Ipod. In which case all bets are off. Delay could delay his demise. But i doubt it.

The 24 hour media needs one mini series after another. Shiavo, the Pope etc. Delay fits the bill. It is a story with legs, as they say. and, i might add, i look forward to this story smearing the headlines for WEEKS TO COME. Delay certainly is getting what he deserves, Let's face it - everyone LOVES the bully getting bullied. And if the bully's politics are retrograde anti American slime - which they are - that is all the better.

I believe the GOP peaked the moment before W left Crawford to interfere in the Shiavo case. That is when they misplayed and misplaced their power in a simple, scary way. The second term's first impression WAS BAD. Combined with the back ground noise of Social Security lies, gas prices, and the spooky filibuster power grab, and the duck became really lame, really early. Not to mention Senator Mel's memo spasm. Even those who refuse to pay attention know something ain't right with these people.

HOWEVER: Democrats can not expect to do nothing and come out ahead forever. The issues that are the pavement to victory are simple. HEALTH CARE COSTS and a MARSHALL PLAN TO MAKE US ENERGY INDEPENDENT. Just health care would win a chunk of seats in congress. Talk to anyone for 5 minutes about what is on their mind. Gas prices. Health care prices. Where is the democratic leadership? The DNC has been so lame for so long that they are missing the obvious - AGAIN. It is funny to hear Dems say they finally understand that they are in the minority in DC. No, it's not funny - it's idiotic. The rest of us have been clear about this for YEARS. We must STOP losing. Reid, Pelosi, WHOEVER should be responding to every question about Social Security with an answer about health care costs. And they should be doing it on TELEVISION. Why is P.R. so difficult for these people? I wonder if they want to win elections. I really do.

