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Monday, April 25, 2005

Lord why do they bother?

Biden and Reid are chit chatting about how to defuse the filibuster debacle, a pure, simple, scary power grab by the GOP (goons on patrol). Meanwhile, Rove is saying there will be no compromise. Liddy Dole is stretching the truth, which is to say lying, to Judy Woodruff, Frist is playing misunderstood victim to the Dobson Brigade and I hate to say it but I think it is true - The Democrats are bungling basic public relations AGAIN. Why does the party i belong to never learn? We cannot give the current GOP an inch. They will take 100 miles, and still pretend the Democrats are out of control and some how out to endanger America.

Reid rips it up in a speech no one sees - then rolls over on Inside Politics. It is truly pathetic. It isn't all the media's fault. On a simple, straight forward, easy to explain issue like retaining the filibuster they cannot get the message out. All they have to do is announce what these judges stand for and say "W has gotten 95% of his judges through" and repeat it over and over again. But Biden blathers on about nothing trying to prove that he is a good guy. Reid talks about how he thinks we can still work something out. We can't still work it out. It is too late. The democrats are being stomped, the GOP knows it - why don't the Democrats?

If the Democrats lose on the fililbuster and Bolton they are essentially useless as a party. When are we going to understand that the GOP puts on a smile and then takes no prisoners. Politics is rough. FDR, Truman, LBJ, Bobby Kennedy gave as good as they got. We must shake the impulse to flinch and kill the need to look like the good guys. Just US Sunday proved one thing: they intend to show no mercy. We should return the favor.

