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Friday, May 22, 2009

Obot-o-Scope for May 22,2009 - and Astrid's Mail Bag

By Astrid Passionfroot,

The fiery Aries/Obama Moon is totally fiery and hot and inflamed today. It joins energetic Mars and the milky Milky Way to align our hyper love for Obama with our sugary feelings of being in his presence. By midday, you may find you've left the kids with the nanny and - suddenly - you're driving to a community you've never seen before and are spontaneously organizing it! Don't let the fact that the residents say they are quite happy and don't need you around stop your important work. Get in their faces! Stir up feelings of victimization! Remember planting the seeds of entitlement and resentment now helps grow the leaders of the future.

Tonight: Mercury, Venus, Pluto and Uranus form a "K" "Y" in the House of Astro and glide into a four way. Relax and go with it. You may wake up a bit sore - but also oddly satisfied.

From the Obot-O-Scope Mail bag

Dear Astrid,

After President Obama finishes being President for Life do you think he'll have a second career in Hollywood?

Very Yours Truly,
Scarlett Johansson

Dear Scarlett,

Funny you should ask. Many of those closest to Obama are already spreading their wings in Tinsletown. Joe Biden has sold 2 screenplays this month: The Taking of Valium 123 and a remake of Francis the Talking Mule based on his personal diary.

The Hollywood rumor mill is also a titter with news that Barney Frank will sing and twirl the baton on this summer's America's Got Talent. All ready slimmed down enough to fit into his favorite Wonder Woman costume - a gift from the J. Edgar Hoover estate - expect to see Frank strutting his stuff on the Left coast during the August Congressional recess.

As for now our Barack will stick to being fabulous in D.C. Hollywood will have to get by with the lesser talents of people like Meryl Streep, Robert Duvall, and James Earl Jones.

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