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Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Company He Keeps.

I am loath to link to my hometown paper at this point - the LA times being, in essence, an embeded Chicago owned/Pro Obama paper - but they uncovered yet another apparent ethical lapse by Baby Jesus Obama. It seems Obama was working for a company named Killerspin (You really can't make this stuff up.) while a part time state senator in 2000. In fact, Killerspin provided Obama with 90% of his income the same year Killerspin was lucky enough to get a $50,000 grant from the state for a "table tennis event." The grant came at the prompting of Obama, who wrote a lovely letter on state senate stationary on Killerspin's behalf. There is nothing illegal about any of this. But, like the magic money from Rezko to expand his property, it begs all sorts of questions about who BHO really is. Mr. Barry has spent huge amounts of time and money promoting the idea that he is above all the nitty gritty of common politics. He is the Transformer. Or so he says. Yet, at every turn there is another pile of bones in another barely closed closet.

As for BHO running away from more debates - the reason is now clear. Obama not only lied about his relationship with William Ayres - he did it on a massive, almost Soviet, scale. From MyDD: Obama has been breathtakingly misleading about his relationship with William Ayers. In the past Obama described Ayers as an "acquaintance." This is bullshit. It turns out Obama worked for Ayres for 8 years. Not with. For. Any follow up on Ayres during a debate would surely corner Barry with the lies he's told about his relationship to the Weather Underground bomber.
Uppity, who writes regularly at No Quarter once commented on this blog that "time was Obama's enemy."
Indeed with every passing news cycle Obama is revealed as a man of bad judgement propelled by his talent as a speaker, a media hungry to attack a strong female candidate, and a large battalion of overgrown infants and neo-sexists at places like the Huffington Post and that blog the color of Cheetos. The GOP and Fox, after spending months kicking back enjoying the attacks on Clinton, have finally awakened to the inherent danger of allowing Obama to go unvetted. Afterall, one McCain health scare, and the devil you don't know can win.

And we've only just begun to hear about Nadhmi Auchi. Mr. Auchi wired $3.5 million to Tony Rezko about one month before Mrs. Rezko purchased land adjacent to the Obama home from the same seller. That land was later sold to Obama for a song. How do we know this? The Rezko trial. By the by: Nadhmi Auchi was charged along with Saddam Hussein for conspiring to assassinate Iraqi President Abdul-Karim Qasim in 1959.


Imagine what the GOP will do with that nugget in the fall? We are down to 2 degrees of separation between Barack Hussein Obama and Saddam Hussein. It may not be fair to make the leap. But they will. And contrary to the League of Infant Voter's whining (oops I mean the DailyKos's whining) - national elections are not the 3rd grade spelling bee. Fair matters less than perception.

We already know what they will do with Obama's 20 year relationship with Rev. Wright.

How is it that this man has accumulated so many connections to so many unpleasant types in such a short career?
Makes your head spin. Like a fast paced game of table tennis.

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