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Wednesday, April 30, 2008


"Senator Obama?"


"I've got a delivery of chickens for you."

Wow. Reverend Wright. How many groups of people can you insult? All of New England, Texans, Italians, Jews.

The same people who were defending Wright two weeks ago - WRIGHT IS RIGHT! - are now calling him a nut-job. Senator Obama says Wright is not the man he met twenty years ago. Reverend Wright is apparently a Power Ranger and has morphed before Obama's eyes! These are the same people who said Reverend Wright was taken out of context. Since he's repeated everything he said in those You Tube moments the argument has been proven incorrect.

Senator Obama said a month ago: "I can no more disown him than I can disown the black community." We are supposed to accept that he's had a change of heart. Is he now disowning the black community or is he a typical politician reacting to polls?

Senator Obama has said repeatedly that it's not just being ready on day one. It's having the judgement to do the right thing on day one. Senator Clinton voted for the war so she has bad judgement. we are not supposed to remember the climate of the country at the time or that her decision was based on bad intelligence or that she is a Senator from NEW YORK. We are supposed to take the giant leap that Senator Obama sat in church for twenty years, never heard Reverend Wright make any of these "controversial" statements and now, only now, realizes what a mad man Wright is. The same man he disinvited to his coming party because of his "controversial" statement he prayed with in the basement before announcing his candidacy.

What I LOVE is that Huffington Post, Cheetos and all the proud defenders of the Great One are now saying that we need to talk about ISSUES!! Which one? Hope, Change or Bosnia? They also know that Senator Obama is a good and honest man who has been hoodwinked by a man who is milking his fifteen minutes of fame. You see, they know Senator Obama better than Reverend Wright who has known him for twenty years. So when Wright says that Obama is just saying what he needs to say as a politician to get elected we're to believe that Wright is lying because his followers know him better!

The problem is that now his followers are too entrenched in their fantasy to see who he really is. Like Julia Roberts, they want the fairy tale. They cannot accept that maybe their hero is more than a little flawed.

So they excuse everything. He does poorly in debates. No More Debates! Looking down his nose at working class people - well, we're smarter and he's just telling the truth! Screwing Florida and Michigan - they broke the rules! What if it were their states? Running ads in Florida which broke the rules? Hillary was there on election day! (For a victory speech - not to campaign) Keith Olbermann saying that someone should take Hillary into a room and only he emerge? Keith is a God! Ayers. He's just a neighbor. Ayers is more than a neighbor? I'm waiting to see how they spin that. Rezko? He never did anything for him! Plagiarizing speeches? They're friends and share the same views. Randi Rhodes? Free Speech!

They're so invested they can't see that his stock has fallen like Bear Sterns. Keith Olbmerann, Huffington, Rich, Dowd and Matthews are not the Fed and there won't be enough credit available in the general election to bail him out.

Senator Obama needs to get a big coop (how fortunate that Rezko sold him back land for an extra big back yard), because the chickens have come home to roost.

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