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Sunday, September 30, 2007Bushies to attack Iran?
The lunatics in the White House are at it again.... plans are well under way to attack Iran. War is an addiction for the Bushies. Friday, September 28, 2007Bush lies like the rest of us breath. Saudia Arabia is not so worried about freedom.
Bush insists we are bringing democracy to Iraq. Meanwhile, over in Saudi Arabia: Jewish or Christian houses of prayer are not allowed. "Freedom of religion does not exist," the U.S. State Department's 1997 Human Rights Report. Credible reports that security forces continued to torture and abuse detainees and prisoners arbitrarily arrest and detain persons, and hold them in incommunicado detention. Women are not allowed freedom of movement. In fact, they are not allowed to drive. Gay rights are not recognized in Saudi Arabia and homosexuality is a serious crime punishable by death, often by stoning. Thursday, September 27, 2007Going to a cracker diner with Bill O. !
Bill O took me to a Denny's restaurant in Boise, Idaho the other day. It was run by White people and all the diners were Whites - but to my astonishment none of the Whites said things like "Where is my gosh darn Moons over my Hammy!" or "Gee whiz! I asked for my Grand Slam with scrambled eggs. Golly!" - stuff I usually hear when I go to a Whites run restaurant. Some of the Whites in the parking lot played their Clint Black and Tennessee Ernie Ford music loudly! But the family that arrived in the Monster Truck Rally Chevy had Iron Maiden songs on at a normal volume level. Whites can be very thoughtful. They later told me the whole family was heading out to Supercuts and then to Blockbuster to pick up DVDs of the last season of Walker, Texas Ranger. The whole time we talked illegal immigrants were not mentioned once! The father did express concern that one of the teachers at the local high school was in the Democrat party. As far as I could tell there was not one single serial killer or Klansman in the whole Denny's! Some of the Whites were even skinny. It was very surprising. Falafels were not on the menu. Wednesday, September 26, 2007Bradley Whitford: No More Dirty Tricks!"You can't out hypocrite a Republican" Tuesday, September 25, 2007Fox News Cracks Clinton Up - 9/24/07Those right wing media types are sometihng. No one is more biased than Fox Noise...and yet- Wallace, as smug and greasy as they come over at fox, asked Hillary why SHE and Bill C think politics is so partisan... Fox = asswipes Saturday, September 22, 2007PUT BRITNEY SPEARS IN JAIL
With apologies to Chris Crocker (who I actually kinda think is on to something) I must say this - WILL SOMEONE PLEASE PUT THIS BITCH IN JAIL???? FOR A REALLY LONG TIME. She is the George W Bush of pop culture - a nightmare of arrogance and ignorance that just won't go away. When will Fred Thompson quit the race?
For months the question was - When will Fred Thompson announce for President? Now that he is confirmed as the biggest DUD since the Edsel - the question now is - When will Fred Thompson quit the race and go back to the one job all lazy men dream about - occasional guest star spots on Law and Order. Good money, short hours, and you get to be on TV!!! Tuesday, September 18, 2007Bush and O.J.
Bush and O.J. - separated at birth? Now, I know what many of you are thinking -- is George Bush willing to risk the lives of hundreds, maybe thousands more American soldiers, on an outside chance to save his political skin, in a half-baked plan that even he knows probably won't work at all? Yes, he is. Because George Bush is that narcissistic, that desperate, and yes, that sociopathic as well. Especially interesting about Mr. Bush, but quite common, Narcissistic Personality Disorder is frequently associated with alcoholism. The insufferable "holier than thou" attitude associated with "Dry Drunk Syndrome" is indicative of underlying narcissism. Also, the way that Bush embraces Christianity is characteristically narcissistic. Rather than incorporating the lessons of humility and empathy modeled by Jesus, Bush uses his Christian faith to reinforce his grandiosity. Jesus is his powerful ally, his idealized "buddy" who gives a rubber stamp to anything he thinks. Read the rest here. Monday, September 17, 2007did clinton make a big mistake?
Since 2004 I have been saying to anyone who would listen that unless Clinton made a big mistake she would be the president after bozo's term was up. I am fearful that today she made that mistake. This is a health care plan to turn everyone off.
Greenspan tells the truth. For a day. - THE IRAQ WAR IS ALL ABOUT OIL.
Why is it so dangerous for someone like Alan Greenspan's to state the truth? He simply pointed out the elephant in the room that everyone is trained to ignore - THE IRAQ INVASION WAS ABOUT SECURING THE WORLD'S SECOND LARGEST OIL RESERVES FOR THE U.S. Then he is harangued into back tracking. It's ridiculous. No one who has an elemental understanding of history thinks the war was about WMDs or "spreading democracy" - HA! Yes, and Rome invaded Egypt to end the scourge of Cleopatra - Grain had nothing to do with it. And Spain took over the New World to help spread Christianity. Gold and land had nothing to do with it. Even the war plan telegraphs the truth: we sent just enough troops in to protect the oil fields and do nothing else. Of course, leave it to nincompoop conservatives (redundant...) to botch even a simple resource war with a weak country. The most maddening part of this collective and panicky denial is that: A. Understanding that the invasion was about a precious resource makes the war sad, but realistic. We must all take responsibility for the way we live - which is excessively dependant of oil. President Carter understood what was coming back in the 70's. Turns out the Bushies are actually not so dumb after all. They may have at least partially been looking out for American interests. Either we get the remaining oil or someone else does... They are not expanding American power - they are salvaging it for another decade or two. If you think we don't need it to live the way we do - you, my friend, are delusional. B. The denial that this war is a resource war stops the conversation we desperately need to have in the U.S. about oil depletion and dependency. Of course, the Bushies would rather look stupid and make money until the oil runs out - than tell the American people the truth: We face the end of the cheap-fossil-fuel era. It is no exaggeration to state that reliable supplies of cheap oil and natural gas underlie everything we identify as the necessities of modern life -- not to mention all of its comforts and luxuries: central heating, air conditioning, cars, airplanes, electric lights, inexpensive clothing, recorded music, movies, hip-replacement surgery, national defense -- you name it. Sunday, September 16, 2007Really?
Oh, Alan, why wait so late? Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan has shocked the White House by saying the prime motive for the war in Iraq was oil. "I am saddened that it is politically inconvenient to acknowledge what everyone knows: the Iraq war is largely about oil," Greenspan says in his long-awaited memoir, as cited by Sunday Times. I read this on AOL this morning. When I went back to get the quote for this post it was gone. Hard to believe, I know. Censoring on AOL! Thanks a lot for the hot tip, Mr. Greenspan. Thanks, too, for waiting until you could do nothing about it like General Powell. You crazy kids spouting words like personal responsibility and patriotism. Yep, you put Bush above country. Saturday, September 15, 2007Who will Hillary choose?I thought for a long time that Mark Warner would be Clinton's running mate. But he will be helping us Democrats in the Senate. I am now putting my money on General Clark. Friday, September 14, 2007Thursday, September 13, 2007Clinton way out in front of Obama and other election news.
Clinton leads Obama by 21 points in latest Gallup poll. Winfrey, and Geffen, baffled as to why normal Democrats don't give a s*^% what they think about politics. Winfrey may give cars to everyone who votes for Obama in Iowa. Dazed Geffen seen wandering halls mumbling to portrait of Phil Spector. In South Carolina, Mike Gravel picked up the support of "some dude he used to know in college." Which put him at .000020 percent, up from: ***. Gravel had been mired at 3 to 4 asterisks for months. Group GOP candidate announcement that they are not gay and never have been gay delayed by Duncan Hunter's trip to the men's room. Wednesday, September 12, 2007oil,oil, toil and trouble.
Gee - maybe if we would have sent 300,000 troops into Iraq in the first place - like the those in the administration that were not morons (yes, there were 2 or 3) suggested - we might be done with this evil war Bush created for his oil buddies. Think Iraq is not about oil? check this out: Oil futures hit all-time near $80 as supplies drop Monday, September 10, 2007The war must go on.
September 10th 2007. When Americans - like me - are called dishonorable, lazy, arrogant, decadent bullies - it is because of days like today. Today a general contradicted evidence and himself to prop up a narcissistic, war-mad President. A president who just wants to shove his colossal mistake on the next gal...or possibly - guy. That people - real human beings - are being blown to bits for no reason is irrelevant. The fact the Bush's mistake created an enemy we did not have before he lied, and huffed and puffed seems not to matter. That 500 more American men and women and countless Iraqi's will lose limbs and lives in the next dreadful 500 days of this mean little presidency - does not matter. Why will they lose lives and limbs? Oil. We used to have standards, and morals and a center of gravity given to us by Thomas Jefferson and the Founders - who took their cues from eons of human striving. Striving toward freedom and God and a greater life for the individual and a more perfect republic. With Bush, our freedoms are not rights given by God at all - they are annoyances. We, the people, are merely a mob of shoppers to be controlled and cajoled. And we are apparently fine with it. If the Democrats continue to roll over they morally worse. If the media continues its mind numbing refusal to speak truth they are worse still. This war can't end because oil is overwhelmingly central to our lives. And we need more than there is in the ground. Without oil we have no suburbs, fewer cities, enough food to sustain half the population we have now, a 1938 version of the Army, no airline industry, no entertainment industry, no auto industry, rolling blackouts as a way of life, no fertilizer, no pharmaceuticals, no computers. And there are no alternatives worth a damn. Bio fuel is bullshit - unless, of course, we starve half the population. You can't fly an airplane with windmills and nuclear reactors don't fit under a car hood. Electric cars are a fine idea - if we have the oil and gas to generate the electricity. We don't. Tar sands are almost hopeless - until oil costs about $250 a barrel - which leads us back to the war in Iraq. The cost/benefit of a volunteer army going into a massive country to set up long term bases is still cheaper in the long run. Death, carnage and the end of democracy being a bumps in the road on the way to greater profit margins. Because everything - EVERYTHING - in America is dependent on a resource that is finite and in other countries - this war will go on. Bush knows this. Cheney knows this. Hillary knows this. Obama knows this. It is a secret in plain site. Unless we change quickly and completely - the war must go on. And guess what kids - without that oil being bought and sold in U.S. American dollars - our money is worthless. The truth makes the war make sense. but it is still an obscenity. Meanwhile, on the home front - a living breathing mediocrity with a tiny paunch staggered about on stage in her panties and bra at a celebration of decadence in the quintessential early 21st century American city - Las Vegas- trying to make her "come back" - at 25. And this is the talk of the nation - on September 10th, 2007. the despicable conservatives and follow the money, honey...
The most despicable thing about conservatives - other than the hypocrisy, the lies, and the intellectual dishonesty - might just be the inability and/or refusal to admit when they are wrong. How many more people have to be maimed and die until bone heads like McCain, McConnell and the smarmy grease ball Lieberman admit they were wrong? Even Hillary has condemned the Bush buffoons. I know THEY CAN'T. THEY WON'T. Maybe when their kids get blown to bits... The Moron - in - Chief can't for simple reasons - this is not and never was about terrorism or WMDs or spreading democracy (LOL!!!!). It is about ensuring the flow of oil to the U.S. Americans by setting up forward bases in the country that has much of the oil that is left in the ground. Bush, the next President Clinton, and who ever comes after her are not going to change that. We will have 50,000 troops in Iraq until the last drop of oil is sucked up. Or us U.S. Americans will change our ENTIRE way of life - from where we live to how we move around to what we eat and the pills we take... What do you suppose our "leaders" and the media will choose for us? The end of suburbia or the endless war in Iraq? follow the money, honey.... Sunday, September 09, 2007The Petro Dollar,Iraq,Oil and Bushit is important to remember - BUSH LIED ABOUT WMD'S - OUR GIS ARE DYING FOR OIL AND THE OIL PROFITS OF THE VERY RICH. Saturday, September 08, 2007Not so long ago the chant was "Clinton can't win."
Map one is my own guess at a Clinton v Thompson race. I am very generous with Fred Thompson. If he runs a perfect race... he still tops out at 227. My gut tells me Clinton will destroy him. Map 2 is Clinton v Romney based on polls done in August. It is a Hillary landslide - and frankly - Colorado and Arizona would be blue as well by the time Clinton debated Romney. Map 3 is Clinton v Rudy G. based on recent polls - it is closer but Clinton still wins. Again after Carville has done his job add Connecticut, Nevada and Louisiana to Clinton. What the talking heads have never calculated about Clinton is that her negatives may well BE AS HIGH NOW AS THEY EVER WILL BE. All the GOPS negatives will only go up. Romney's do every time he opens his mouth. Rudy is a Democratic consultants dream candidate. Friday, September 07, 2007Thursday, September 06, 2007Ron Paul - the last honest Republican
God Bless Ron Paul. Last night at the GOP debate: Huckabee responded sharply: "Even if we lose elections, we should not lose our honor, and that is more important [to] … the Republican party." "We have lost over 5,000 Americans killed in - we've lost over 5,000 Americans over there in Afghanistan, in Iraq and plus the civilians killed," Paul retorted. "How many more you want to lose? How long are you going to be there? How long - what do we have to pay to save face? That's all we're doing, is saving face. It's time we came home." Wednesday, September 05, 2007Larry Craig's List
Aren't you just waiting for the message that Larry Craig leaves on the wrong machine for phone sex? Just as delicious is going to be to see the video of Mr. Craig calling John Kerry a flip flopper. You know it's out there. It will bookend nicely with Mr. Craig calling Clinton a nasty, dirty boy. Mmnnn, mmmnn good. Don't give in Mr. Craig. Fight it. We're loving it because it distracts us from the fact that nuclear weapens were flying over our country last week. Will writes well. also - Missing the point of the Larry Craig story.
Here's a something I don't do everyday: link George Will. Will is an exquisite writer who is delusional about the real world damage conservatism has done and continues to do - from Jim Crow to shame based bathroom sex - conservatives hurt individuals and the country. That said - this week Will nails Alberto Gonzalez and Mitt Romeny (both products of the conservative fantasyland) to the wall. First, Gonzalez's putrid farewell statement in which he attacked his own father: "Even my worst days as attorney general have been better than my father's best days."This implicit disparagement of his father's life of responsibility and self-sufficiency turns conservatism inside out. What Will still cannot see is that conservatism turns human experience inside out. And - Romeny's behavior in the "GOP/GAY/SEXGATE" is creepy and despicable. Will actually writes with compassion about Larry Craig: Craig's unraveling involved a sadness almost unfathomable to anyone who has not felt it necessary to live, as he seems to have done for years, disguising one's nature. Romeny immediately called Craig, his main Senate supporter, disgusting and then strung together a series on flashcards to rile up what he thinks are the GOP faithful. Romeny is an unnervingly phony man. Even the post Bush GOP can do better than this guy. As for Craig - Ellen gets the point (see video below) - and so does George Will - this is about a lifetime of shame -shame created and reinforced by the same people who brought us Jim Crow and women without voting rights and a host of other nonsense over the years - in both political parties: Conservatives do damage. Tuesday, September 04, 2007Clinton on Ellen discussing gay marriageI like Hillary. Monday, September 03, 2007A Study in Incompetence
So to prove that "progress" has been made in Iraq President Bush makes another "surprise" visit. I said over a year ago that if the President, Vice President, Secretary of State or Defense cannot go to Iraq announced there is no progress. And yet, here we are a year later and the only way to go is under cover. The idea that President Bush beliives that history will judge him kindly is ludacrous. No, Mr. Bush, history is going to think that you could have won this thing, this presumptive war, if you had paid attention to people who knew. If you had put competence in front of party loyalty. Maybe not putting a 20 year old in charge of the stock market in Baghdad. Maybe not asking people their stand on Rove V Wade as part of their interview for jobs in the Green Zone. Maybe not firing a guy who knew about Public Health and replacing him with a party hack who's first order of business was a non-smoking campaign. Perhaps having someone other that Tommy Franks who might have paid attention to the insurgents on the march to Bahdgad might have done some good. Not letting the city go to looters because it would help shrink the government. Maybe if in the fifth year of the war people in Baghdad has more than one hour of electricity a day. Maybe if there weren't 2 million refugees in Syria and Jordon. Maybe if you had helped the refugees in Iraq who don't have running water or food. TODAY. No Mr. Bush, history and historians are going to have a field day with your presidency. From Katrina to Alberto Gonzalez you are a study in Incompetence. Maybe that's what they should call the book on you. Sunday, September 02, 2007Sen. Craig's Bathroom Scandal Is All Cover-Up, But No Crime?points to make: Saturday, September 01, 2007Conservative beliefs are a sign of mental illness.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder: A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following: has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements) preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love believes that he or she is "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions) requires excessive admiration has a sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations is interpersonally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes
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