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Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Will writes well. also - Missing the point of the Larry Craig story.

Here's a something I don't do everyday: link George Will. Will is an exquisite writer who is delusional about the real world damage conservatism has done and continues to do - from Jim Crow to shame based bathroom sex - conservatives hurt individuals and the country.
That said - this week Will nails Alberto Gonzalez and Mitt Romeny (both products of the conservative fantasyland) to the wall. First, Gonzalez's putrid farewell statement in which he attacked his own father: "Even my worst days as attorney general have been better than my father's best days."This implicit disparagement of his father's life of responsibility and self-sufficiency turns conservatism inside out. What Will still cannot see is that conservatism turns human experience inside out.
And - Romeny's behavior in the "GOP/GAY/SEXGATE" is creepy and despicable. Will actually writes with compassion about Larry Craig: Craig's unraveling involved a sadness almost unfathomable to anyone who has not felt it necessary to live, as he seems to have done for years, disguising one's nature. Romeny immediately called Craig, his main Senate supporter, disgusting and then strung together a series on flashcards to rile up what he thinks are the GOP faithful. Romeny is an unnervingly phony man. Even the post Bush GOP can do better than this guy.
As for Craig - Ellen gets the point (see video below) - and so does George Will - this is about a lifetime of shame -shame created and reinforced by the same people who brought us Jim Crow and women without voting rights and a host of other nonsense over the years - in both political parties: Conservatives do damage.

