The war must go on.
September 10th 2007. When Americans - like me - are called dishonorable, lazy, arrogant, decadent bullies - it is because of days like today.
Today a general contradicted evidence and himself to prop up a narcissistic, war-mad President. A president who just wants to shove his colossal mistake on the next gal...or possibly - guy. That people - real human beings - are being blown to bits for no reason is irrelevant. The fact the Bush's mistake created an enemy we did not have before he lied, and huffed and puffed seems not to matter. That 500 more American men and women and countless Iraqi's will lose limbs and lives in the next dreadful 500 days of this mean little presidency - does not matter.
Why will they lose lives and limbs?
We used to have standards, and morals and a center of gravity given to us by Thomas Jefferson and the Founders - who took their cues from eons of human striving. Striving toward freedom and God and a greater life for the individual and a more perfect republic. With Bush, our freedoms are not rights given by God at all - they are annoyances. We, the people, are merely a mob of shoppers to be controlled and cajoled. And we are apparently fine with it. If the Democrats continue to roll over they morally worse. If the media continues its mind numbing refusal to speak truth they are worse still.
This war can't end because oil is overwhelmingly central to our lives. And we need more than there is in the ground. Without oil we have no suburbs, fewer cities, enough food to sustain half the population we have now, a 1938 version of the Army, no airline industry, no entertainment industry, no auto industry, rolling blackouts as a way of life, no fertilizer, no pharmaceuticals, no computers. And there are no alternatives worth a damn. Bio fuel is bullshit - unless, of course, we starve half the population. You can't fly an airplane with windmills and nuclear reactors don't fit under a car hood. Electric cars are a fine idea - if we have the oil and gas to generate the electricity. We don't. Tar sands are almost hopeless - until oil costs about $250 a barrel - which leads us back to the war in Iraq. The cost/benefit of a volunteer army going into a massive country to set up long term bases is still cheaper in the long run. Death, carnage and the end of democracy being a bumps in the road on the way to greater profit margins. Because everything - EVERYTHING - in America is dependent on a resource that is finite and in other countries - this war will go on. Bush knows this. Cheney knows this. Hillary knows this. Obama knows this. It is a secret in plain site. Unless we change quickly and completely - the war must go on. And guess what kids - without that oil being bought and sold in U.S. American dollars - our money is worthless.
The truth makes the war make sense. but it is still an obscenity.
Meanwhile, on the home front - a living breathing mediocrity with a tiny paunch staggered about on stage in her panties and bra at a celebration of decadence in the quintessential early 21st century American city - Las Vegas- trying to make her "come back" - at 25. And this is the talk of the nation - on September 10th, 2007.
Today a general contradicted evidence and himself to prop up a narcissistic, war-mad President. A president who just wants to shove his colossal mistake on the next gal...or possibly - guy. That people - real human beings - are being blown to bits for no reason is irrelevant. The fact the Bush's mistake created an enemy we did not have before he lied, and huffed and puffed seems not to matter. That 500 more American men and women and countless Iraqi's will lose limbs and lives in the next dreadful 500 days of this mean little presidency - does not matter.
Why will they lose lives and limbs?
We used to have standards, and morals and a center of gravity given to us by Thomas Jefferson and the Founders - who took their cues from eons of human striving. Striving toward freedom and God and a greater life for the individual and a more perfect republic. With Bush, our freedoms are not rights given by God at all - they are annoyances. We, the people, are merely a mob of shoppers to be controlled and cajoled. And we are apparently fine with it. If the Democrats continue to roll over they morally worse. If the media continues its mind numbing refusal to speak truth they are worse still.
This war can't end because oil is overwhelmingly central to our lives. And we need more than there is in the ground. Without oil we have no suburbs, fewer cities, enough food to sustain half the population we have now, a 1938 version of the Army, no airline industry, no entertainment industry, no auto industry, rolling blackouts as a way of life, no fertilizer, no pharmaceuticals, no computers. And there are no alternatives worth a damn. Bio fuel is bullshit - unless, of course, we starve half the population. You can't fly an airplane with windmills and nuclear reactors don't fit under a car hood. Electric cars are a fine idea - if we have the oil and gas to generate the electricity. We don't. Tar sands are almost hopeless - until oil costs about $250 a barrel - which leads us back to the war in Iraq. The cost/benefit of a volunteer army going into a massive country to set up long term bases is still cheaper in the long run. Death, carnage and the end of democracy being a bumps in the road on the way to greater profit margins. Because everything - EVERYTHING - in America is dependent on a resource that is finite and in other countries - this war will go on. Bush knows this. Cheney knows this. Hillary knows this. Obama knows this. It is a secret in plain site. Unless we change quickly and completely - the war must go on. And guess what kids - without that oil being bought and sold in U.S. American dollars - our money is worthless.
The truth makes the war make sense. but it is still an obscenity.
Meanwhile, on the home front - a living breathing mediocrity with a tiny paunch staggered about on stage in her panties and bra at a celebration of decadence in the quintessential early 21st century American city - Las Vegas- trying to make her "come back" - at 25. And this is the talk of the nation - on September 10th, 2007.
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