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Saturday, November 14, 2009

Mr. President: Take your bow and shove it.

Make no bones about it: Obama's bow to Emperor Akihito is an attack on all of us.

It's hard for me to quantify how repellent I find Obama's bow to the Japanese emperor. It confirms assumptions so many have about Obama being "the other". Assumptions I am not opposed to for the most part. He is, in many ways, not like us. He's the most unAmerican American President we've ever had in upbringing, thought process, and connection to his citizens. Without his media support, the residual pain of the Bush years, and the loud children on the Left, I suspect there would be little support left for him. It's hard to fathom how any American feels a connection to him - black or white. His speeches come from the mountain top, his attitudes, when mistakenly revealed, are condescending and his narcissism is degrading and harmful.

His bow to the descendant of the ruling house of a country that attacked us, an attack remembered by many still alive, is beyond the pale. It is disgusting.

Real Americans don't bow. To anyone. It violates every principle of republicanism. It is flies in the face of our history and revolution. An American head of state bowing to a foreign head of state is an attack of the first order on American principles and values. Obama must be excoriated for his putrid action.

Finally: I can no longer say the current President has any business representing the United States. Whatever the excuse given for his action - it speaks volumes about the man's thinking and character. The United States is a country among countries. We are subservient to no one. If our head of state is either so green or believes American Presidents should bow to others - then he is not worthy of the office. Our head of state represents all of us. When he bows to a another head of state he is symbolically bowing for all of us. Obama knows this. By prostrating himself he is taking a pot shot at the citizens he represents.

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