Morning links - at night. Equal rights edition
First a handy dandy poll. (as you can see I'm on one of my poll benders.) Also note the poll to the right. I'll switch it out every few days. There is nothing scientific about these polls...duh...Have fun. Vote often. Below are stories worth noting.
David Mixner: President Obama standing on the sidelines in Maine and Washington was appalling.
Dan Savage: President Obama is a fierce advocate of gay rights in the same way that I'm a ladies' man. He isn't and I'm not.
CNN: Darren Manzella saw two tours of duty in Iraq, first as a combat medic and later as a liaison officer. He earned three promotions in his six years as a U.S. Army sergeant...and yet...
Pure hatred: Same sex partners barred from funeral planning in Rhode Island when their mate dies.
Mormon turn around: I hesitate to link this because the actions of the LDS church in this case in no way mitigates the damage it has done and its previous vile, amoral behavior. Additionally, I'm done with the poverty consciousness of the Gay elite. Begging bigots for basic human rights is no longer acceptable. Women and Men are afforded human rights by virtue of being born. Not because a majority says so. So the LDS church in Salt Lake City agrees that housing and employment discrimination is wrong. Whoop Dee Fucking Doo. No one gets an prize for ceasing to be a hate filled crank for a few hours. Gays being happy about a group expressing a smidgen of human decency is a sign of a severe poverty of spirit.

David Mixner: President Obama standing on the sidelines in Maine and Washington was appalling.
Dan Savage: President Obama is a fierce advocate of gay rights in the same way that I'm a ladies' man. He isn't and I'm not.
CNN: Darren Manzella saw two tours of duty in Iraq, first as a combat medic and later as a liaison officer. He earned three promotions in his six years as a U.S. Army sergeant...and yet...
Pure hatred: Same sex partners barred from funeral planning in Rhode Island when their mate dies.
Mormon turn around: I hesitate to link this because the actions of the LDS church in this case in no way mitigates the damage it has done and its previous vile, amoral behavior. Additionally, I'm done with the poverty consciousness of the Gay elite. Begging bigots for basic human rights is no longer acceptable. Women and Men are afforded human rights by virtue of being born. Not because a majority says so. So the LDS church in Salt Lake City agrees that housing and employment discrimination is wrong. Whoop Dee Fucking Doo. No one gets an prize for ceasing to be a hate filled crank for a few hours. Gays being happy about a group expressing a smidgen of human decency is a sign of a severe poverty of spirit.

Labels: Barack Obama, Don't ask don't tell, gay marriage, gay rights
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