You can call me ray....cist.
If being critical of Obama or calling him a liar (which is, ironically, true) means one must endure being attacked as a racist...So be it. I no longer care. I see no reason to respond to or defend against the slime balls who are perfectly willing to degrade hundreds of years of horrible history just so they can suck up to America's current number one slime ball - a Wall Street errand boy named Barack Obama.
Yes - I just said BOY!!! ooooooh go tell Keith Olberman on me!
Integrity, dissent, and free speech are more important than what jack-offs at Air America or MSNBC report or what pea brained congressman who refuse to stop living in 1955 say.
The use of the word 'racist' has been so warped and abused since BHO came on the scene that soon it will be synonymous with being called:
Yes - I just said BOY!!! ooooooh go tell Keith Olberman on me!
Integrity, dissent, and free speech are more important than what jack-offs at Air America or MSNBC report or what pea brained congressman who refuse to stop living in 1955 say.
The use of the word 'racist' has been so warped and abused since BHO came on the scene that soon it will be synonymous with being called:
*a patriot,
*a person of integrity
*a courageous American
*a person willing to speak truth to power,
*a person who refuses to be controlled and talked down to.
*a person of integrity
*a courageous American
*a person willing to speak truth to power,
*a person who refuses to be controlled and talked down to.
So go ahead - call me racist.
Labels: Barack Obama walls street errand boy, condescension, race baiting, Racist
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