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Saturday, May 23, 2009

Astrid's Mail Bag

Lakers soon. Tonight's post comes from Astrid Passionfroot's mail bag. As you know Astrid is the Obot-O-Scope astrologer. She also fields questions from the Obama Pod Nation.

*Disclaimer from me - I like Whole Foods and shop there sometimes when I am flush. But it is also irresistible short hand.

From Astrid's email bag:

Dear Astrid,

Yesterday I was in a supermarket regular people go to (I think it is called "Safe Way" or something like that...). The Whole Foods was closed so a nearby shaman named Sherman could cleanse it with burning sage after a case of Count Chocula was accidentally delivered and shelved there. Since shaman Sherman was saging because of the shelved sugary cereal I shopped surreptitiously at Safeway.

At the check out I saw a magazine with Trig Palin and her baby on the cover. She looked very sweet to me. I wonder where we - the Obama people of Light and Truth - too hard on the Palins? I felt a pang of remorse....or possibly it was Standing Restless Leg Syndrome, which I am prone to.

What is your take, Astrid?

Sunny "Hussein" Moonflower-Lightbringer (nee - Garland-Weinberger-Jones).

Dear Sunny,

I am so sorry to hear about your Standing Restless Leg Syndrome. The best cure for SRLS is sitting.

We had to do what we had to do - to ensure that Hope and Change would win the day. I know sometimes that meant it seemed like we did exactly what the other side had been doing for years. Character assassination. Mindless, vicious attacks and lies. Heartless rumour mongering.

But we know deep down we are better people so this was acceptable in the long run. The Universe and Obama insists we control those types like the Palins. I am sure the Palins are good people in a certain context - with their "kind". But we can't allow people who went to public school, state colleges, are married to actual Blue collar workers, became elected officials on their own, with no outside help, established spouses, or family money, and are from small American towns no one has ever heard of...to actually RUN THINGS!!!

Feel no guilt, Sunny. Remember what Guru Dohrn, who introduced our Dear Leader to Chicago society, said about guilt: "Dig it! First they killed those pigs and then they put a fork in pig Tate's belly. Wild!"

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