We knew Obama was a fraud before it was cool...



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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A review

Donna Darko has posted an invaluable resource for close Obama watchers and real liberals. (see, I included most everyone!) Obama averages one alarming act a day is the name of her ongoing post.

Obama did something that should be alarming to progressives every day for the past 70 days. The articles below from January 15-March 25 are in reverse chronological order and the 70 acts are bolded and numbered. It's easy to find one each day. Taken together, it's staggering.

I suggest a perusal.

This brings me to my post for the night. A review of myself. I shall be biased. (Hard not to.)How have my assumptions about BHO worked out over the past year? I was never for Obama. I liked him after his 2004 Dem convention speech. I hoped he would stay in the Senate and get some needed experience. Further, I am a Clinton loyalist. That loyalty deepened and broadened during Hillary's campaign last year.

When it became apparent after Iowa last year that some very powerful people were pulling strings for Obama I began to look deeper - in the honest hope that I could get on board. As I've said 1000 times before: Looking closely at Obama is a disturbing avocation. The man is one of the cagiest politicians to appear in our history.

Quickly this blog took on some basic themes that I list below:

1. Obama is a fraud.
2. Obama ran a dirty campaign. This was co-signed, and egged on by a foolish, deceitful, biased media.
3. Obama did not/does not have the experience to be President.
4. Obama's campaign relied on sexism.
5. Obama would do great harm to the Democratic Party.

Further I asserted that something largely unforeseen would decide the election. (I stated this in August, early September.) By October, I predicted an Obama win to the distress of a number of readers.

So how do these bullet points look now?

Number 1: Obama is a fraud. There is excessive evidence to back this assertion up. His connection to the truth during the campaign was often nebulous. Asserting he chaired Senate committees that he had nothing to do with. Implying the Kennedy's were responsible for his father's arrival in the U.S. These are not tall tales. They are lies told to fit a fictitious narrative. I have also stated ad nasueum that Obama was misleading people on Iraq, based on a mysterious speech he gave many years ago that no one recorded.

This, too, has proven to be the case. Obama's stance on Iraq now is not discernible from Bush's post "surge" policy. He is less bellicose than W but the withdrawal is back loaded - and "dependent on the commanders on the ground". Sound familiar? We shall see. But "a brigade a month" starting in January of 2009 is long forgotten. Some have documented no less than 17 different Obama stances on Iraq. This issue, now largely over run by economic concerns, should not be forgotten as it was the motor of his campaign in the primaries. Clinton was routinely lambasted by Obots for stating she would do what Obama is now doing.

On other points his fraudulence has become more and more apparent over the last 12 months. I go back to some stand by instances to illustrate because they are major indicators of a man with no core. The FISA wiretapping and the Public Financing flip flops both go to core liberal principles. Obama's reversals here were the single most telling moments of his campaign. They go to his character. No liberal in their right mind should have tolerated these betrayals. Yet, the hand jobs from the faux Left continued. I won't repeat my feelings about the "hope and change" horseshit except to say it is clearer everyday that it was horseshit.

2. Obama ran a dirty campaign. This is all but self evident. The caucus packing was ignored by the media.

3. Obama did not/does not have the experience to be President.
After many promises to "hit the ground running" Obama's first legislative accomplishment happened not on "day one" but Day 25. And it was a mess that got 3 GOP votes. The banking plan did not appear until this week. He made outright fools of all of us with his treatment of the The Browns. I have no doubt that he's smart enough to learn on the job - but that is not what he promised.
4. Obama's campaign relied on sexism. Duh. If you still do not see this you are willfully in denial. Enjoy it. But know your sisters, mothers, and daughters will pay for last year's regression into bigotry for a very long time.

Obama and his media cheerleaders were nothing short of disgusting. No, we should not "get over it" any more than Black Americans should forget Strom Thurmond's 1948 campaign for President.
5. Obama would do great harm to the Democratic Party.
After 2 months the GOP is now running ahead of the Democrats in generic "party" polls. This is astounding given the last 3 years. I did not think the reversal would happen so quickly. It may reverse again. The GOP is hardly attractive. Nevertheless, Obama has shown no stomach for a fight on basic progressive ideals. What will be sunk before this is over is liberal ideals and liberal ideas. For a generation. This assertion depends on time. But the votes are coming in. Noam Chomsky, Paul Krugman and Howard Zinn have all blasted Obama from the Left already. In varying areas these three men understand one thing: Obama has, and will continue to, betray the Left.

On the other points: The financial collapse was unforeseen by some. It did come as a shock to the majority and it did decide the election.

One last "out on a limb" prediction I made: Obama would fall below 50% in the polls by June. I'd probably go with September now if I had a do over.

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