Lunch Break
Sign of Apocalypse: Rush L./P. Krugman both critics of Prez. Obamanomincs already failing?
ICountry: It is a crappy time to be a country that begins with I. Iran, Iraq, Iceland, now Ireland.
Soup For You!: Orlov on the next few years.
The theory states that the United States and the Soviet Union will have collapsed for the same reasons, namely: a severe and chronic shortfall in the production of crude oil (that magic addictive elixir of industrial economies), a severe and worsening foreign trade deficit, a runaway military budget, and ballooning foreign debt. I call this particular list of ingredients "The Superpower Collapse Soup."
Bristol Talks: Abstinence is NOT realistic. Bristol, you are correct. Conservatives are WAY off base on human sexuality. OR more on point they are FEAR based. Talking openly, removing shame about sexual desires, (including Gay and Bi impulses- homosexual behaviour with some members of a population is normal and healthy in many mammals.) being realistic and helpful about sex, STDs, and having contraception available is realistic. To think that human biology would change just because we invented High School in the 1800s, or because some ancient agricultural society handed us down a series of edicts that made sense TO THEM - is idiotic.
Music: From the 60s. Okay this was released in 1970. But it may be the last moment in American culture before irony was dumbed down completely. Imagine a pop song about a personal existential collapse in 2009. Country gets close on occasion. But Hip Hop is merely about being horny all the time. Rap is about giving legions of the talentless the impression they matter. Both have long since worn out their usefulness....and need to go.
ICountry: It is a crappy time to be a country that begins with I. Iran, Iraq, Iceland, now Ireland.
Soup For You!: Orlov on the next few years.
The theory states that the United States and the Soviet Union will have collapsed for the same reasons, namely: a severe and chronic shortfall in the production of crude oil (that magic addictive elixir of industrial economies), a severe and worsening foreign trade deficit, a runaway military budget, and ballooning foreign debt. I call this particular list of ingredients "The Superpower Collapse Soup."
Bristol Talks: Abstinence is NOT realistic. Bristol, you are correct. Conservatives are WAY off base on human sexuality. OR more on point they are FEAR based. Talking openly, removing shame about sexual desires, (including Gay and Bi impulses- homosexual behaviour with some members of a population is normal and healthy in many mammals.) being realistic and helpful about sex, STDs, and having contraception available is realistic. To think that human biology would change just because we invented High School in the 1800s, or because some ancient agricultural society handed us down a series of edicts that made sense TO THEM - is idiotic.
Music: From the 60s. Okay this was released in 1970. But it may be the last moment in American culture before irony was dumbed down completely. Imagine a pop song about a personal existential collapse in 2009. Country gets close on occasion. But Hip Hop is merely about being horny all the time. Rap is about giving legions of the talentless the impression they matter. Both have long since worn out their usefulness....and need to go.
Labels: collpase, Ireland, obamanomics, orlov, paul krugman, Rush
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