Powell endorsed Obama because he's black.

Let's get to the point. Colin Powell endorsed Obama because he's black. You know it. I know it. Everyone on earth knows it. Like Oprah, who ditched her audience to skip over Clinton for Obama, Powell let race trump judgement.
So on to why Powell is now closer to Ted Baxter than George Washington. His judgement is suspect - to put it mildly. No Quarter rips his "endorsement" to shreds here. I have nothing to add. Except to say that the similarities between Powell's water carrying for Cheney and his Obama blow job today are obvious and mildly interesting. But it boils down to race. End of story.
Powell is responsible for the most ridiculous speech ever given at the U.N. No small feat considering Hugo Chavez's idiocies and Khrushchev's shoe slamming antics. He damned himself once and for all and forever the day he agreed to sign off on the murder of thousands of Iraqis. See THIS blogger is actually consistent on basic values. Those who knew Powell was either lying or a fool at the U.N. all those years ago have now decided he is a man of grand and perfect judgement. Daily Kos and little miss Huffington have no scruples. If it works for DEAR LEADER then it is a -okay. Markos, the mad Greek lady, Avarosis and the rest HAVE NO MORAL CENTER. Obama makes people lose their rationality. If I was a doctor I would call it a disorder. Since I'm not, but I do tivo every episode of HOUSE, I will go ahead and call it A DISORDER. There are very few other rational explanations, other than mass hypnosis.
No one - now that no one includes Colin Powell - can MAKE THE CASE for Obama based on experience or accomplishment. Obama wins the pathetic general's endorsement on "style" and a series assumptions conjured out of thin air and MSNBC propaganda. Oh - and the pesky race thing - that no one opposed to Obama is allowed to talk about.
Screw it. I just did. Powell endorsed Obama because Obama is...uh...say it with me, all together now: BLACK.
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