Identity politics and the case for Palin
Palin needs to say one thing at the GOP convention: I expect to be held to the highest standard. I expect to be held to the same standard as Senator Obama. In fact, I welcome it.
During the Democratic primaries Senator Soetoro/Obama played hardball identity politics. Michelle Obama stated simply and directly early on that black voters "would come around." BHO's people then played the race card against the Clintons in one of the more morally depraved moves in recent memory. Insisting the Clinton's are racist is akin to insisting the pope is Jewish. But it worked. Black Democrats voted for BHO at a 90% rate through out the primaries. Obama is "black", after all. This happened despite the fact that both Clintons are better than BHO on issues most Black Americans care about. Obama was able to keep it close because of Black voters - who traditionally have gone with the "blue collar" candidate - this year that candidate was Clinton. His coalition "arugula" voters and Black voters, plus help from the media and cheating in the caucuses - equaled his nomination.
Identity politics got Obama anointed.
Fast forward to Palin. There is no doubt Palin's gender was the deciding factor for McCain.
So what.
The possibility of the first female vice President should excite women. Women should think long and hard about voting for a "sister". Black Americans did exactly that - they voted for a "brother."
The hair pulling and rants on faux liberal blogs is hilarious and pathetic. For over a generation "social justice" liberals have incorporated identity politics into every move they made. "Social justice" - which means nothing in the end - has always been code for "victimhood". True liberals may have used this meme - but the were always out doing the heavy lifting. Cesar Chavez, Dr,. King, and, late in his life, Bobby Kennedy, are examples of liberals who understood that cajoling people to vote solely based on their racial identity was a fools errand. These men were not after "social justice" - they were after justice, period. The pollution of the true American Left by the "social justice" victimhood entrepreneurs has stunted the real progressive agenda for a generation. It is a virus. It has worked against people of color attaining equality. It is anti- progressive. Asians who did not fall victim to identity politics have moved rapidly up the ladder. What White arugula "liberals" can't abide is the fact that racism has lessened. A lot. Without a subculture of victims arugulas have no power.
The "experience" horse crap coming from the arugula left is just hilarious. It will also become clearly sexist in short order. The female Palin is already being held to a different standard than the male Obama. The bigotry against women will be exploited by Kos, Avarosis, and the rest for the next 2 months. Pelosi, who finds any woman with power other than herself, dangerous is no doubt cringing.
In classic Arugula "liberal" form they refuse to accept that both sides can play identity politics.
Well, John McCain just did. Get over it. Live by identity politics, die by identity politics.
The brain dead aspect of the arugulas that I have hammered at here is on full display right now. It goes to a core belief that people like Huffington, Olbermann, and Obama carry just below the surface: "We know better than the unwashed masses." I believe this comes directly from attaining unearned wealth and/or unearned positions. Huffington has forced her opinions on us by virtue of marrying well. Olbermann talks nonsense and makes 6 figures. Obama has risen and risen while accomplishing exactly nothing. Michelle Obama made millions sitting on the board of a Wal Mart supplier. These people jet from Aspen to Brentwood never dirtying their fingers - all the while opining to real workers and dismissing them at the same time.
Mrs. Palin lives in a REAL union household. Damn right, that appeals to this liberal. While Obama caved to Exelon, Mrs. Palin took on her own party's corruption in Alaska. Damn right, that appeals to this liberal. Obama let poor people freeze in his district, while pal Rezko made millions. There is nothing "liberal" about this.
As a feminist, the fact that McCain's campaign has an equal pay for equal work policy and Obama's does not matters to me. And, damn right, as a liberal, shattering the glass ceiling the DNC refused to break appeals to me.
Obama has never appealed based on policy. He appealed to liberal guilt, delusion and based on his self created persona.
If women decide to look past policy differences and vote for a female vice president based solely on her gender - it should not surprise Obama. Arugulas have exploited identity politics for a very long time, after all.
During the Democratic primaries Senator Soetoro/Obama played hardball identity politics. Michelle Obama stated simply and directly early on that black voters "would come around." BHO's people then played the race card against the Clintons in one of the more morally depraved moves in recent memory. Insisting the Clinton's are racist is akin to insisting the pope is Jewish. But it worked. Black Democrats voted for BHO at a 90% rate through out the primaries. Obama is "black", after all. This happened despite the fact that both Clintons are better than BHO on issues most Black Americans care about. Obama was able to keep it close because of Black voters - who traditionally have gone with the "blue collar" candidate - this year that candidate was Clinton. His coalition "arugula" voters and Black voters, plus help from the media and cheating in the caucuses - equaled his nomination.
Identity politics got Obama anointed.
Fast forward to Palin. There is no doubt Palin's gender was the deciding factor for McCain.
So what.
The possibility of the first female vice President should excite women. Women should think long and hard about voting for a "sister". Black Americans did exactly that - they voted for a "brother."
The hair pulling and rants on faux liberal blogs is hilarious and pathetic. For over a generation "social justice" liberals have incorporated identity politics into every move they made. "Social justice" - which means nothing in the end - has always been code for "victimhood". True liberals may have used this meme - but the were always out doing the heavy lifting. Cesar Chavez, Dr,. King, and, late in his life, Bobby Kennedy, are examples of liberals who understood that cajoling people to vote solely based on their racial identity was a fools errand. These men were not after "social justice" - they were after justice, period. The pollution of the true American Left by the "social justice" victimhood entrepreneurs has stunted the real progressive agenda for a generation. It is a virus. It has worked against people of color attaining equality. It is anti- progressive. Asians who did not fall victim to identity politics have moved rapidly up the ladder. What White arugula "liberals" can't abide is the fact that racism has lessened. A lot. Without a subculture of victims arugulas have no power.
The "experience" horse crap coming from the arugula left is just hilarious. It will also become clearly sexist in short order. The female Palin is already being held to a different standard than the male Obama. The bigotry against women will be exploited by Kos, Avarosis, and the rest for the next 2 months. Pelosi, who finds any woman with power other than herself, dangerous is no doubt cringing.
In classic Arugula "liberal" form they refuse to accept that both sides can play identity politics.
Well, John McCain just did. Get over it. Live by identity politics, die by identity politics.
The brain dead aspect of the arugulas that I have hammered at here is on full display right now. It goes to a core belief that people like Huffington, Olbermann, and Obama carry just below the surface: "We know better than the unwashed masses." I believe this comes directly from attaining unearned wealth and/or unearned positions. Huffington has forced her opinions on us by virtue of marrying well. Olbermann talks nonsense and makes 6 figures. Obama has risen and risen while accomplishing exactly nothing. Michelle Obama made millions sitting on the board of a Wal Mart supplier. These people jet from Aspen to Brentwood never dirtying their fingers - all the while opining to real workers and dismissing them at the same time.
Mrs. Palin lives in a REAL union household. Damn right, that appeals to this liberal. While Obama caved to Exelon, Mrs. Palin took on her own party's corruption in Alaska. Damn right, that appeals to this liberal. Obama let poor people freeze in his district, while pal Rezko made millions. There is nothing "liberal" about this.
As a feminist, the fact that McCain's campaign has an equal pay for equal work policy and Obama's does not matters to me. And, damn right, as a liberal, shattering the glass ceiling the DNC refused to break appeals to me.
Obama has never appealed based on policy. He appealed to liberal guilt, delusion and based on his self created persona.
If women decide to look past policy differences and vote for a female vice president based solely on her gender - it should not surprise Obama. Arugulas have exploited identity politics for a very long time, after all.
Labels: fair game, identity politics, McCain, Obama, Palin, women
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