Super size the arrogance please!
We may need a new word. Arrogance does not really encompass the hubris What's His Nut from Illinois is exhibiting. Mega-Arrogance? Super Size Arrogance? Hubris Goes Wild? Meta-Hubris - I like that one. MacroHaughty?
No Quarter talks about His Holiness here. Blow back is building. The guy is really out of hand.
The nice thing for L.R. is no matter what we'll have much to write about for the next 4 years. If Bratty wins we'll feast on his failures and lies. If McCain wins we'll return to a critique from the Left.
No Quarter talks about His Holiness here. Blow back is building. The guy is really out of hand.
The nice thing for L.R. is no matter what we'll have much to write about for the next 4 years. If Bratty wins we'll feast on his failures and lies. If McCain wins we'll return to a critique from the Left.
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