Obama and Al Aqsa

Anyway, nice touch, Barry.
The target of Al Aqsa is Israeli civilians.
Linked here is a list of Al Aqsa Suicide attacks against Israeli civilians in the last 6 years. 130 Israelis have been murdered by "Obama's West Bank Security Force" since 2002.
The U.S. State department - that would be the "U.S." Obama wants to lead - lists Al Aqsa as a terrorist group.
The Palestinian Authority chose this group for his security. But this is not an out for Obama. A true leader would have refused to go to the West Bank under these circumstances. If for no other reason than in deference to the 130 recent dead. He is a U.S. Senator. The signal this sends to terror groups is...well... you decide. Coddling? Naive? Appalling?
I am not a Jew. But for the life of me I cannot understand how anyone in the Jewish community in America can support this man.
Every time I think I can't possibly be more disgusted with Obama - he hits a new low.
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