We knew Obama was a fraud before it was cool...



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Monday, April 14, 2008

When Barack Falls Apart

I see no reason to be polite about it. The Obama campaign is divisive and nasty. The assholery from Obama is now officially relentless. The idiotic excuses and "blame Hillary" at all costs from Obamites like Huffington and the tactless, mindless Olbermann have become rancid.

Obama, you talked down to a vast swatch of American workers from your smug mountain top in San Francisco. Admit it. Quit dancing around the truth. Tell your goons to stop repeating "He just told the truth." It is revolting that so many people think what you said was "the truth." You know nothing about working people. You know nothing about religious people. You sucker punched an entire nation with your plagiarized speeches. Your mentor, Rev. Wright is a hate filled hypocrite who spews resentment and calls it Christianity.

I've said it a thousand times before and I say it again: You are a fraud. You said last summer "To know me is to love me." That is your biggest lie to date, Senator Obama.

Sunday you joked "Who does she think she is, Annie Oakley."

Wow. I keep saying "wow" because I can't get my mind around what a first class snot you are turning out to be. Yes, Barry, Senator Clinton is very much like Annie Oakley.

Read this letter from a 33 year old African-American woman.

The tone of your campaign has become overtly nasty. The message of "hope" has been overtaken by the true message of your overreach: Vote for me, because I am better than you.

Does us all a favor and find an excuse to quit the race, and take your Prius driving, Arugula chewing, "I refuse to put my hand over my heart", Weather Underground hugging, 60's rejects with you.

Does anyone know if this nugget is true:
On June 15 2005 obama bought his $1.65 million mansion without a mortgage. CASH. But nowhere does he say how he managed to put together this kind of capital- given his salary and his wife's salary. Any advances from his writings were subject to taxes and would not have made such a lump sum possible. Obama's tax record do not give any answer as they show no large sums of capital or stock holdings that could explain the source of the money.
AND the questions about Obama continue.... BTW his book "the Audacity of Hope" came out in Oct. 2006

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