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Friday, April 18, 2008

Move On

It's official.

I don't get it.

During the first 867 debates when Senator Clinton was tag teamed and piled on there was no outcry that it wasn't "fair." Well, that's not exactly true since we who support Senator Clinton were talking about it but it never got any traction.

Senator Obama was actually questioned on the only thing he's running on - his character - and ABC News is the devil. The Probama crowd screamed and howled until they got everyone's attention to change the subject from, wow, Senator Obama hangs out with a terrorist to poor Senator Obama, that's trivial, we need to talk about issues.

Move on means nano-seconds. I read that Senator Obama had answered questions adnauseam on Reverend Wright. Really? Has he ever answered why he sat there for twenty years? More importantly, has he ever been asked? Do we know why he canned Wright for his coming out party - what the statements were that he never heard but made the good Reverend too dangerous to be there for his announcement?

That's in the past - move on.

His arrogance, his house, his "present" and non votes on controversial issues, his association with Hamas, legitimate questions for a man who wants to be leader of our country must not be asked.

How do the Barackis think they are going to win the general when they continue to alienate people who support Senator Clinton? Sure, he told them and us that he had our votes but she wouldn't get his votes. But at least 28% will not vote for him and that was back in March, I'm sure the number is much higher now.

It certainly doesn't help Obama to continually denigrate President Clinton's tenure in the White House. If you're under twenty-five perhaps the only thing you remember is the blow job but if you're over thirty-five you remember a pretty great economy, the first two term Democratic President since Truman and a man who was smart, had a handle on the issues and worked with Congress. President Clinton went through EIGHT YEARS of what Senator Obama couldn't handle for forty-five minutes.

Obama is like buying a home during the hot market on interest only. The assumption that the value will always go up and that you'll be able to refinance has lead to foreclosure now that the bubble has burst. You could have gotten a lovely fixed rate mortgage with under 6% interest but you got caught up in the game. And now you have no equity and no house.

As a former Democrat - it's official - I'm Independent - I've seen this guy before. Mike Dukakis, John Kerry, George McGovern. Granted, the marketing is better, but the outcome will be the same.

He will be eviscerated in the General because a man who wilts under forty-five minutes of tough questions is not qualified to be President

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