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Friday, April 18, 2008

The Courage Campaign's attack on reality.

To know me is to love me
Barack Obama

I have been saying for a while now that Obama has unleashed a dangerous cult on the American scene. I mean it. There is a true darkness behind the Obama Phenomenon. A darkness born of a deep pain and disconnect in the American psyche. Obama has exploited this pain to create what can only be called a mob. It is akin to the collective mob mentality we often see on the Right - but it is more dangerous. The Right comes together and attacks when it believes its world view is being threatened. It is often scary and ridiculous but it is based in beliefs - however misguided many of us think those beliefs are.

Obama's mob has no such underpinnings. It is purely a personality cult manipulated and directed from the top. When he needed them Bush used encoded words to coach his gang in the electorate. Obama throws the bird and insists he did not. But any fool can see it. Obama smiles and talks "hope" then launches into character assassination. His minions lap it up. There is a collective insanity going on in our midst. I will not stand around saying nothing about what is evolving. We are electing the first post 9/11 President. Those wounds have not healed in large part because the country was mislead in the aftermath of the attacks. We still do not understand what happened and why because our leaders and the media would not allow a real conversation to occur. It was hijacked.

Replace "strength" with "hope". The hijacking is being repeated.

Obama has his brown shirts at the ready. Their petulant response to Ferarro's innocuous, but truthful comments and defense of Rhodes calling the former first lady and first female major party VP candidate "fucking whores" is a perfect example of how clear this mob is when they set out to defend their 'leader". The pathetic self created fury at ABC for asking Obama fair questions in the recent debate - the type of question that Clinton has fielded all year - is another example. The difference is Obama's cult has a media apparatus at its disposal. What many otherwise decent people don't see in Obama is clear to those of us who have passed on the Kool Aid. He is promoting himself and himself only. He now has power over large numbers of people who will do whatever he says. Kim Jong Obama. If this were not true then why is a question about William Ayers so upsetting? Why couldn't he give a straight answer? It may seem harmless now - but it is clear when he feels threatened he will - and can - unleash his cult. Happy mob yesterday, angry mob tomorrow, but always a mob. The time lag between "Got Hope?" stickers and pitchforks is short.

The level of delusion and mindlessness of his followers is both heartbreaking and horrifying. An otherwise harmless blog called, with a Red Chinese Cultural Revolution creepiness - the "courage campaign" decided poor baby Jesus Obama was treated badly by ABC in the debate. Having said nothing about any of the media insults and degradation directed at Clinton for months they decided poor Barry needed a protest at ABC to make him feel better. I commented on that site and post my fury below. Please go there and tell them what you think of the cult's latest stunt.

How can you call yourself progressives? Where have you been since January? Senator Clinton has been raked over the coals for sport by Olbermann, The Dailykos, the obnoxious - and bought and paid for Huffington Post. the moral midget Chris Matthews. where were you?

"pimped out Chelsea" where were you?

Rhodes: Clinton and Ferraro are "fucking whores" where were you?

We have seen sexism that approaches evil directed at clinton all year. Rhodes engaged is hate speech for FUN. Yesterday Obama flipped Clinton off for the amusement of his childish cult.

There is no courage in what you did today. There is only petulance. Obama was asked to answer for some basic TRUTHS about his life. FINALLY. And he choked. That's all that happened. I am to the left of most of America in my beliefs and any thoughtful progressive knows that what has happened in this race is bigotry directed at women - pure and simple. Obama has run a toxic campaign of race baiting and bait and switch that has USED progressives to ensure victories for a member of an old chicago boys club. The cult that has sprung up around Obama is dangerous. And many of us intend to see it defeated. Obama has torn the Democratic party in half with his campaign of bullshit roasted over a fire of "hope"

You should be ashamed of yourselves. I will do everything in my power to see that he loses to McCain which now seems likely.

Why didn't you protest before while Clinton was - is - being attacked unfairly? And her family? My God - you've all lost your minds. you can't see the obvious because you love an imaginary figure called "obama". Obama got what he deserved in the debate.

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