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Thursday, March 20, 2008

Obama buries his grandmother before she's dead.

BHO told Hillary that words DO matter. I agree. They don't matter as much as actions, though. Obama put his own LIVING grandmother in the same context at Rev. Wright. It is grotesque. This is the woman who raised him while his "free spirit" mother was gone. Here is why that speech of his Tuesday does not and should not matter: He gave lip service to "black anger" and "white resentment" without honestly seeming to understand what causes "white resentment". Using the ancient comments of one of the women who raised him as a theater piece to make a point in speech calculated to save a political campaign goes to the heart of the problem. Obama does not get it. With people like Rev. Wright there is never enough progress. They use history as a battering ram while at the same time ignoring it. Progress has been made, but members of Obama's church don't seem to think so. Michelle Obama says in the clip posted below that her husband as a black man "could get shot at a gas station." without bothering to note that statistics indicate that the shooter would most likely be black as well. Any conversation about race (Lynne pointed out that we are often about to start a conversation about race but rarely go on to have it...remember the Imus affair.) must be as much about responsibility as it is about injustice. It's 2008, not 1968. This is what Michelle and Barrack Obama don't seem to understand. In not understanding this they telegraph and confirm the worst suspicions of many non black voters.

Whether BHO and Wright likes it or not, whether it is "fair" or not is beside the point. The fact is much of the nation is sick to death of taking the blame for what appears to be callous irresponsibility. The haranguing of Bill Cosby by black "leaders" when he dared state that some of the problems in the black community were the fault of the black community is a good example.

To put his own Grandmother in the same category as Mark Furman is desperate.

Thanks to Scott for pointing this clip out. The guy who made it was fired from the McCain campaign today - but I am sure he's employed by a Swift boater by now. It is a sad day when a GOP operative has to be the one pointing out the obvious.

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