The Mendacity of Hype
Lynne pointed out this extraordinary piece by Joe Wilson linked here. The compilation of recent Obama lies and distortions about foreign policy - all aided and abetted by the press - is shocking even to me. But as an epileptic myself I highlight the quotes below. They go directly to the biggest lie about Clinton of all: That she's is a cold, controlling and will do anything to win. And they indicate the truth about who Obama's advisors really are at the core:
David Axelrod, the top Obama political strategist, for one, knows better. After all, he and his wife were direct beneficiaries of Hillary Clinton's personal kindness and public policy experience when, in the midst of the impeachment trial of her husband, she travelled to Chicago to support Susan Axelrod's efforts to raise money for her foundation, Citizens United for Research on Epilepsy (CURE), established by her after one of the Axelrod children was afflicted with the malady. Later, at Hillary Clinton's behest, the National Institutes of Health convened a conference on finding a cure for epilepsy. Susan Axelrod told me it was "one of the most important things anyone has done for epilepsy." And this is how politics works: David Axelrod is now dedicated to derailing this woman's career."
I am telling you now: when historians write about this campaign they will study America's deep problem with sexism, not racism. We are in the midst of a GENDER RIOT by many an unconscious man from John Kerry to Chris Mathhews to Keith Olbermann. Fear of the female is running rampant in the media culture. It always does, actually, but now it has a political focus.
David Axelrod, the top Obama political strategist, for one, knows better. After all, he and his wife were direct beneficiaries of Hillary Clinton's personal kindness and public policy experience when, in the midst of the impeachment trial of her husband, she travelled to Chicago to support Susan Axelrod's efforts to raise money for her foundation, Citizens United for Research on Epilepsy (CURE), established by her after one of the Axelrod children was afflicted with the malady. Later, at Hillary Clinton's behest, the National Institutes of Health convened a conference on finding a cure for epilepsy. Susan Axelrod told me it was "one of the most important things anyone has done for epilepsy." And this is how politics works: David Axelrod is now dedicated to derailing this woman's career."
I am telling you now: when historians write about this campaign they will study America's deep problem with sexism, not racism. We are in the midst of a GENDER RIOT by many an unconscious man from John Kerry to Chris Mathhews to Keith Olbermann. Fear of the female is running rampant in the media culture. It always does, actually, but now it has a political focus.
Labels: Axelrod, Clinton, foreign policy, lies, Obama
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