Is MSNBC biased? Yes. Is the Pope Catholic? Yes.
MSNBC is doing a day long hit job on Hillary Clinton. Dan Abrams, the programming boss, apparently does not have the intellectual depth to comprehend irony. He made this question their BIG story: Does SNL have a pro Hillary bias?
Really, let that sink in. MSNBC is asking if someone ELSE has a bias? If the presidency was not on the line it would be hysterical. It's like a Spitzer girl wondering aloud if women should have premarital sex.
By and large, MSNBC has whored itself out to the Obama campaign in a way that is reminiscent of Bush and Fox News. Fairness and balance are not to be bothered with when it comes to Hillary Clinton. Keith Olbermann's irrational "special comment" on Ferraro is the latest example of MSNBC's devolution into demagoguery. A friend and once loyal watcher of Countdown (he removed it from the Tivo this week) told me today he suspects there is a business decision behind MSNBC's Pro Obama bias. Left leaners already being MSNBC's base and with latte liberals voting BHO they have opted to go for the rich liberal demographic. This idea has merit. I also think MSNBC's sign off on Obama ass kissing may be simpler:
Olbermann is a quintessential white Obamite: self congratulatory, rich, smug and prone to believe his position translates automatically into some sort of special status and wisdom. You see, the rabble (blue collar voters) just doesn't understand how great a man Obama is. I've seen these traits in many Obamites. One told me point blank that Obama lost Florida because Hispanics did not unserstand how to say his name. Keith is a member of this club. A limousine liberal who thinks since he's nice to the help he is working for social justice.
Chris Matthew's is a simpleton with a woman problem. Attacking Clinton goes with the turf. With him all politics is just a big version of the boys hanging on the corner in Philly shooting the shit. A strong, capable woman comes along and confusion defaults to derision. Hillary Clinton doesn't compute in his head so he falls back into boy's club mode.
These are MSNBC's anchor shows - aside from the edifying one in which perverts show up in lovely suburban kitchens wearing only boxers.
Rarely does one see a negative piece on Clinton that is substantive. The tone is always "look what the Clinton's said! My god!" The two SNL skits have gotten so much traction because they give voice to what is so obvious to the rest of us but has yet to seep into Dan Abrams corner office. MSNBC's pro Obama bias is a no brainer. Is MSNBC biased? Yes. Is the Pope Catholic? Yes.
BHO drop kicked Rev. Wright off his campaign today. Yes, he was on the campaign despite what the nattering Obamite nabobs bellyached on blogs everywhere. (He can't be held responsible for what a minister says!!! poor Barack! They -"they" being thinking people - are being so mean to him!) So now the Obamite cult has to grapple with more cognitive dissonance - the Reverend's bile doesn't matter so much he had to be fired. "We should sing GOD DAMN America, it's in the bible!" (huh?) is not a bell that will be unrung so easily. Nor is blaming AIDS on the U.S. Government. Obama is not responsible for these vile statements. He is responsible for sticking around to hear them for 20 years.
The Syrian slumlord Obama cash man's trial goes on. Thanks to Jay in (not of) LA for sending me this quote from BHO: "There are no allegations that I was involved in anything wrong."
A simpler answer is "I didn't do anything wrong." I wonder why the great wordsmith did not just say that. I guess Axelrod was off plagiarizing tomorrow's speech.
BHO was on Anderson Cooper and Keith today trying to stem the tide of blood over Rev Wright. This proves the BHO crew understands the political gravity of the hateful man's sermons. I doubt they have any notion of the genuine contempt many American's felt upon seeing the lunatic's sermon on Fox or CNN or the Daily Show.
Finally a commentator on NPR pointed out one of my beefs about the Obama double speak on race. Race CAN be discussed when the social progress that leads to a viable black candidate is the topic. But if any one dares bring it up in any other context (say when BHO goes "black preacher" in front of an African American audience in South Carolina, but never in front of a white audience.) they are to be shunned as insensitive.
If Obama uses his race to get votes the rest of us get to talk about it. End of story.
Clinton uses her gender all the time to get votes. And we all talk about it. She does it out in the open, in front of thousands. Her gender matters. Obama's race matters. Like it or not, Ferraro said nothing that millions of people are not thinking. She wasn't even off base in any real sense. The media has been openly fascinated by the Obama campaign because he is successful and "black". So have many Americans whose memory goes beyond last week's Next Top Model. This is good news in American life. White Obama voters in Iowa pointed out that they voted for him because he was "black." (I use the quotes here only because he is also white. For whatever reason biracial still equals black in America. ) Why was Ferraro hounded for stating the same thing? Because she if for Clinton. That's why. A white supporter voting for BHO speaks to our desire to feel good about our progress. A detractor pointing out that at least part of the BHO joy ride is fueled by what amounts to white self congratulation speaks to the possibility that we might be being taken for a not so joyful ride. Therefore she must be drummed into submission. We can't have any bad feelings about Obama, after all.
But there are bad feelings about Obama everywhere. Wright has lost millions of independent voters to McCain overnight. 25% of Hillary voters state now they'll vote for McCain if Obama is the Democratic candidate. This number is closer to 40% in Southern states. (see Mississippi exit polls)
His campaign has been skillful and mean. From the LBJ distortion, to dishonest mailers, to free lance jaunts to Canada, to a wife whose stump speech is a case study in resentment. For different reasons he has been handled with kid gloves in the media. Fox has an audience that loves seeing Hillary bashed, regardless of whose doing it. CNN is in terror of being called racist. MSNBC sees the possibility of being the go to network in the Obama years. Oprah will surely grace Countdown any moment with a fly by.
Clinton, too, has been easy on Obama. I wish to God she would throw the kitchen sink at the Obama campaign. Kitchen sinks being readily available in this campaign. Why she hasn't is a mystery. She is a better person than me, no doubt.
Clinton has remained quiet on the Obama's Wright connection and relationship. Considering that the loony far Left has vilified her and her husband with schoolgirl glee - I am baffled by Clinton's silence. Obama's campaign has been nasty. As a reader of American History I have no problem with this. Obama's campaign fits the norm in terms of roughness. It actually is a bit weak. (What Adams chucked at Jefferson is the better version of what Obama is doing to Clinton.)
What I loath is that BHO presents himself as a new kind of politician whose above all that. What a crock.
Really, let that sink in. MSNBC is asking if someone ELSE has a bias? If the presidency was not on the line it would be hysterical. It's like a Spitzer girl wondering aloud if women should have premarital sex.
By and large, MSNBC has whored itself out to the Obama campaign in a way that is reminiscent of Bush and Fox News. Fairness and balance are not to be bothered with when it comes to Hillary Clinton. Keith Olbermann's irrational "special comment" on Ferraro is the latest example of MSNBC's devolution into demagoguery. A friend and once loyal watcher of Countdown (he removed it from the Tivo this week) told me today he suspects there is a business decision behind MSNBC's Pro Obama bias. Left leaners already being MSNBC's base and with latte liberals voting BHO they have opted to go for the rich liberal demographic. This idea has merit. I also think MSNBC's sign off on Obama ass kissing may be simpler:
Olbermann is a quintessential white Obamite: self congratulatory, rich, smug and prone to believe his position translates automatically into some sort of special status and wisdom. You see, the rabble (blue collar voters) just doesn't understand how great a man Obama is. I've seen these traits in many Obamites. One told me point blank that Obama lost Florida because Hispanics did not unserstand how to say his name. Keith is a member of this club. A limousine liberal who thinks since he's nice to the help he is working for social justice.
Chris Matthew's is a simpleton with a woman problem. Attacking Clinton goes with the turf. With him all politics is just a big version of the boys hanging on the corner in Philly shooting the shit. A strong, capable woman comes along and confusion defaults to derision. Hillary Clinton doesn't compute in his head so he falls back into boy's club mode.
These are MSNBC's anchor shows - aside from the edifying one in which perverts show up in lovely suburban kitchens wearing only boxers.
Rarely does one see a negative piece on Clinton that is substantive. The tone is always "look what the Clinton's said! My god!" The two SNL skits have gotten so much traction because they give voice to what is so obvious to the rest of us but has yet to seep into Dan Abrams corner office. MSNBC's pro Obama bias is a no brainer. Is MSNBC biased? Yes. Is the Pope Catholic? Yes.
BHO drop kicked Rev. Wright off his campaign today. Yes, he was on the campaign despite what the nattering Obamite nabobs bellyached on blogs everywhere. (He can't be held responsible for what a minister says!!! poor Barack! They -"they" being thinking people - are being so mean to him!) So now the Obamite cult has to grapple with more cognitive dissonance - the Reverend's bile doesn't matter so much he had to be fired. "We should sing GOD DAMN America, it's in the bible!" (huh?) is not a bell that will be unrung so easily. Nor is blaming AIDS on the U.S. Government. Obama is not responsible for these vile statements. He is responsible for sticking around to hear them for 20 years.
The Syrian slumlord Obama cash man's trial goes on. Thanks to Jay in (not of) LA for sending me this quote from BHO: "There are no allegations that I was involved in anything wrong."
A simpler answer is "I didn't do anything wrong." I wonder why the great wordsmith did not just say that. I guess Axelrod was off plagiarizing tomorrow's speech.
BHO was on Anderson Cooper and Keith today trying to stem the tide of blood over Rev Wright. This proves the BHO crew understands the political gravity of the hateful man's sermons. I doubt they have any notion of the genuine contempt many American's felt upon seeing the lunatic's sermon on Fox or CNN or the Daily Show.
Finally a commentator on NPR pointed out one of my beefs about the Obama double speak on race. Race CAN be discussed when the social progress that leads to a viable black candidate is the topic. But if any one dares bring it up in any other context (say when BHO goes "black preacher" in front of an African American audience in South Carolina, but never in front of a white audience.) they are to be shunned as insensitive.
If Obama uses his race to get votes the rest of us get to talk about it. End of story.
Clinton uses her gender all the time to get votes. And we all talk about it. She does it out in the open, in front of thousands. Her gender matters. Obama's race matters. Like it or not, Ferraro said nothing that millions of people are not thinking. She wasn't even off base in any real sense. The media has been openly fascinated by the Obama campaign because he is successful and "black". So have many Americans whose memory goes beyond last week's Next Top Model. This is good news in American life. White Obama voters in Iowa pointed out that they voted for him because he was "black." (I use the quotes here only because he is also white. For whatever reason biracial still equals black in America. ) Why was Ferraro hounded for stating the same thing? Because she if for Clinton. That's why. A white supporter voting for BHO speaks to our desire to feel good about our progress. A detractor pointing out that at least part of the BHO joy ride is fueled by what amounts to white self congratulation speaks to the possibility that we might be being taken for a not so joyful ride. Therefore she must be drummed into submission. We can't have any bad feelings about Obama, after all.
But there are bad feelings about Obama everywhere. Wright has lost millions of independent voters to McCain overnight. 25% of Hillary voters state now they'll vote for McCain if Obama is the Democratic candidate. This number is closer to 40% in Southern states. (see Mississippi exit polls)
His campaign has been skillful and mean. From the LBJ distortion, to dishonest mailers, to free lance jaunts to Canada, to a wife whose stump speech is a case study in resentment. For different reasons he has been handled with kid gloves in the media. Fox has an audience that loves seeing Hillary bashed, regardless of whose doing it. CNN is in terror of being called racist. MSNBC sees the possibility of being the go to network in the Obama years. Oprah will surely grace Countdown any moment with a fly by.
Clinton, too, has been easy on Obama. I wish to God she would throw the kitchen sink at the Obama campaign. Kitchen sinks being readily available in this campaign. Why she hasn't is a mystery. She is a better person than me, no doubt.
Clinton has remained quiet on the Obama's Wright connection and relationship. Considering that the loony far Left has vilified her and her husband with schoolgirl glee - I am baffled by Clinton's silence. Obama's campaign has been nasty. As a reader of American History I have no problem with this. Obama's campaign fits the norm in terms of roughness. It actually is a bit weak. (What Adams chucked at Jefferson is the better version of what Obama is doing to Clinton.)
What I loath is that BHO presents himself as a new kind of politician whose above all that. What a crock.
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