HILLARY DOUBLES UP ON OBAMA. NOW LEADS 48%-24%. Obama supporters respond saying "But she's so mean!!!" and "I know she would make history but I don't LIKE her!!!" and "But we want a new beginning and since Obama has not done anything yet HE MUST BE NEW!!!" and "But I don't like her!!" and "So? I am still cooler that you! Wanna look at my Jerry Brown for Prez buttons?"
Chris Dodd recently told a group in New Hampshire that impeaching Cheney would take up too much time. This reason/excuse being given by a few Senators and Representatives is amoral. We do not avoid prosecuting killers because "it takes up too much energy." Rapists don't get to walk because the D.A. is pooped. We don't let car jackers wander out of jail because we are too busy to run prisons. At what point will saving the Constitution be worthy of Senator Dodd's efforts?
The overwhelming evidence now indicates Cheney (and Bush) broke various laws. If the House avoids Kucinich's well reasoned articles of impeachment then the House is shredding the Constitution just as surely as Bush. If Nancy Pelosi is too afraid to do the right thing then Nancy Pelosi must get out of the way and make room for a real leader.
We owe it to our Nation, our Constitution, the Founders, our descendants, and ourselves to begin vigorous impeachment hearings now. Write or call your Representative. Info here.
Why is it always such big "news" when a Conservative finally realizes that the Liberals were right all along. Senator Lugar announced today that the President needs to change his thinking about Iraq. Duh. This is not news to anyone on the planet who is sane. It is not news to many who are insane. Liberals knew Bush/Cheney/Rummy had lost Iraq years ago. (They did, however, make a lot of money off the war.)
Today's headline should be:
Also - since CNN/MSNBC and FAUX NEWS will be working O.T. on the Hilton story, and that local news about the black guy who killed a white woman in Ohio - here is a list they have been ignoring - These American have died recently in Iraq and Afganistan: Major Kevin H. Sonnenberg, 42, of McClure, Ohio, on June 15 north of Balad Air Base. Air Force 112th Fighter Squadron, Toledo, Ohio. Private First Class Michael P. Pittman, 34, of Davenport, Iowa, on June 15 in Baghdad. Army First Squadron, Fourth Cavalry Regiment, Fourth Infantry Brigade Combat Team, First Infantry Division, Fort Riley, Kan. Two soldiers were killed on June 16 in Rashidiyah: Sergeant Danny R. Soto, 24, of Houston and Corporal Zachary A. Grass, 22, of Beach City, Ohio. Both were assigned to the Army Second Battalion, 12th Field Artillery Regiment, Fourth Brigade, Second Infantry Division (Stryker Brigade Combat Team), Fort Lewis, Wash. First Lieutenant Frank B. Walkup, IV, 23, of Woodbury, Tenn., on June 16 in Kirkuk. Army Second Battalion, 35th Infantry Regiment, Third Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division, Schofield Barracks, Hawaii. Private First Class David A. Wilkey Jr., 22, of Elkhart, Ind., on June 18 in Baghdad. Army First Battalion, 28th Infantry Regiment, Fourth Infantry Brigade, First Infantry Division, Fort Riley, Kan. Private First Class Larry Parks Jr., 24, of Altoona, Pa., on June 18 in Arab Jabor. Army First Battalion, 30th Infantry Regiment, Second Brigade Combat Team, Third Infantry Division, Fort Stewart, Ga. Sergeant Eric L. Snell, 35, of Trenton, N.J., on June 18 in Balad. Army Third Battalion, 61st Cavalry Regiment, Second Brigade Combat Team, Second Infantry Division, Fort Carson, Colo. Specialist Darryl W. Linder, 23, of Hickory, N.C., on June 19 in Baqubah. Army First Battalion, 12th Cavalry Regiment, Third Brigade Combat Team, First Cavalry Division, Fort Hood, Texas. Two soldiers were killed on June 19 in Muhammad al Ali: Sergeant First Class William A. Zapfe, 35, of Muldraugh, Ky., and Private First Class Joshua S. Modgling, 22, of Las Vegas. Both were assigned to the Army First Battalion, 30th Infantry Regiment, Second Brigade Combat Team, Third Infantry Division, Fort Stewart, Ga. Afghanistan Master Sergeant Arthur L. Lilley, 35, of Smithfield, Pa., on June 15 in Shkin. Army Company B, Second Battalion, Seventh Special Forces Group, Fort Bragg, N.C. Staff Sergeant Roy P. Lewsader, Jr., 36, of Belleville, Ill., on June 16 in Tarin Kowt. Army First Brigade, First Infantry Division, Fort Riley, Kan. Two soldiers were killed on June 17 in Panjway: Captain Joshua E. Steele, 26, of North Henderson, Ill., and Sergeant First Class Christopher D. Henderson, 35, of Hillsboro, Ore. Both were assigned to the Army First Brigade, First Infantry Division (Transition Team), Fort Riley, Kan. Sergeant First Class John M. Hennen, 26, of Vinton, La., on June 17 in Panjway. National Guard's Third Battalion, 156th Infantry Regiment, Lake Charles, La.
It is now immoral and un-American for the Democrats in the House to continue to avoid impeaching Bush and Cheney. These GOP goons are out of control and America is in real danger from these thugs. Real Danger. Pelosi must act now or she is no better.
In today's Wall Street Journal Dorothy Rabinowitz compares Pat Fitzgerald to the prosecutor of the Duke rape case.
The obligation to truth, the prosecutor argued, was of the highest importance, and one in which Mr. Libby had failed by perjuring himself. It would be hard to dispute the first contention. It is no less hard to avoid the memory of Mr. Fitzgerald's own dubious relation to truth and honesty -- as, for example, in his failure to disclose that he had known all along the identity of the person who had leaked the Valerie Plame story. That person, he knew, was Richard Armitage, deputy to Colin Powell. Not only had he concealed this knowledge -- in what was, supposedly all that time, a quest to discover the criminals responsible for the leak of a covert agent's name -- he had instructed both Mr. Armitage and his superior, Colin Powell, in whom Mr. Armitage had confided, not to reveal the truth.
Special prosecutor Fitzgerald did, of course, have a duty to keep his investigation secret during grand jury proceedings, according to the rules. He did not have the power to order witnesses at those proceedings not to disclose their testimony or tell what they knew. Instead, Mr. Fitzgerald requested Messrs. Armitage and Powell to keep quiet about the leaker's identity -- a request they understandably treated as an order. Why the prosecutor sought this secrecy can be no mystery -- it was the way to keep the grand jury proceedings going, on a fishing expedition, that could yield witnesses who stumbled, or were entrapped, into "obstruction" or "lying" violations. It was its own testament to the nature of this prosecution -- and the prosecutor.
That's right - Mr. Fitzgerald was overzealous. I'm not going to even bother getting into the fact that the Bush administration as a whole decided that outing a CIA agent was just the cost of doing business in covering up their lies in starting a war. But I wonder what Ms. Rabinowitz thought of Mr. Starr?
Where was the underlying crime in the Clinton impeachment? If adultery is still a crime on the books in DC we would see most of Congress behind bars.
I am so sick of the right saying that Scooter should be pardoned while Clinton's persecution was righteous. When they are put on the spot they really have no answer, because the only true answer they can give is - I don't like Clinton so he should have been impeached for a blow job and I like Scooter so it doesn't matter that he lied.
Bloomberg? The Huffington Post was in a dither for 24 hours - mostly because they have quietly given up on Obama and need a new candidate to continue their "Contempt for Hillary" train a-rolling. 1. Do I agree with Bloomberg on most major issues thus far? Yes. 2. Does he pass the gut check? Yes 3. Do I like the "idea" of what he represents to America -in this case - an intelligent independent as President? - Yes 3b. Do I like the other "idea" of what he represents - in this case a very, very rich white guy can buy the Presidency? No. This is a real problem. Pundits talk about his cash like IT IS HIS IDEOLOGY. 4. Do I think he is capable? Maybe. Can't be any worse than the bozo in there now. 5. Do I think he is qualified? No.Not yet. Contrary to popular main stream, New York based, media assumption - the rest of us in the U.S.A. do not automatically think that running New York City qualifies one to be President. Bloomberg is certainly more qualified than Rudy the Clown - but being a mayor - even of New York City - is not enough. Being very rich is not enough.
Our man in Bahgdad, Ambassador Crocker, was on Meet the Press this weekend. He said the surge is supposed to "buy time" for the Iraqi government to get it together. "Buy Time?" Call me crazy but haven't we bought them time in the last four years? And how much are we willing to pay for this time? How many of our soldiers will die because Bush cannot admit he is a failure?
Meanwhile, our other man on the scene in Iraq, General Patraeus, says we will be there for another ten years, give or take. I wonder if this war had actually been run competently would we be willing to go for that? But, if we had run the war competently we wouldn't be still fighting there would we?
Oh and...A reduction of as little as 10 to 15 per cent could cripple oil-dependent industrial economies. In the 1970s, a reduction of just 5 per cent caused a price increase of more than 400 per cent.
As much as I want Hillary Clinton to win in 2008 - I would not wish the presidency in years 2008-2012 on anyone. WE ARE IN THE LAST MOMENTS OF THE OIL ECONOMY NOW. AND NO ONE KNOWS OR HAS A PLAN FOR WHAT IT NEXT.
What will it take to get Pelosi serious about impeachment? It seems to me there is a 60/40 chance the next President will be named Clinton. Does anyone think for a second that if the House went to the GOP in 2010 that they would not impeach her for just about anything- jaywalking in 1986, lying about how many babies she kissed in Schenectady. They impeached a Democratic President for lying about a blow job and spent 6 years ignoring their duties to oversee and check a GOP President. Bush and Cheney HAVE CLEARLY COMMITTED HIGH CRIMES. Pelosi is abdicating her responsibility to the republic, to the Constitution and to our descendants. Cheney in particular must be impeached for the most conservative of ideals: the rule of law and basic standards of conduct must be adhered to by everyone. Cheney has disregarded our most basic values as a people, and almost certainly broken the law as well. He must impeached and put on trial in the Senate. Common decency demands it.
I would like to be more supportive of the cause of Palestinian statehood. But why should I? The rest of the Arab world isn't. The civil war in Gaza and the West Bank has gone from tragic to revolting. And Lebanon is correct in rooting out militants. Enough already! The Palestinians have yet to get past violence as a solution. I know. I know. Israel is awful. Etc. Etc. Repeating this - whether it is true or not - has become officially useless.
Where is the Palestinian Gandhi? The cause is just. Violence may be an understandable reaction - but that does not make it right or - more coldly - useful. Fire is not usually fought successfully with fire. Fire is almost always snuffed out with water. Where is the Palestinian leader who can rise above the problem? Can anyone on the Left answer this question without the BLAME AND BASH script? I am not a moron. I understand why things are as they are in Gaza and the West Bank. Understanding avails nothing in this case. The injustice is clear already. Where is the leadership? Palestinians killing each other is just fine with Israel - and is apparently just fine with the rest of the Arab world. If Palestinians are going to throw other Palestinians off buildings... ??? The world needs to see Palestinians themselves reject this. Period. Until then the status quo works just fine for everyone else. Sad. Cruel. But true. (I know. I know. It seems like I am blaming the victim. Fine. Whatever. Smugly stating that one is "blaming the victim" also does nothing to change the equation.)
Oh poor Paris Hilton - back in jail. wah wah wah. Good God, throw away the key. Doesn't anyone in the Hilton family have the power to make this screeching overgrown special ed. student go away. Forever. I swear I won't stay at a Hilton ever again. When Paris Hilton gets out of jail the Hilton family needs to put her in a cage .
It is so hard to be right all the time. Looks like Hollywood is done with its school girl crush on Obama. I wonder when Arianna Huffington will jump the Obama ship? I predict July. Senator Clinton is the best candidate on the Democratic side. Period. We are likely to elect a woman to be President. Think about it. It's time to get over our quadrennial Lefty Delusion and get behind Clinton.
I don't REALLY care where she is spending the night - but does anyone think for a second that if a 20 year old black girl from Pasadena had disregarded a judge's order not to drive - she would get to go home after 3 days? "Racism" gets thrown around way to much among the Left - but let's be honest - she is out of jail because she is rich AND WHITE. The fact that I am writing about this tiny, pointless event makes me want to throw down straight whiskey and poke myself in the eye with sporks. Enough!