Okay Lefty's Liberals and Fellow Travelers we can all now say : SEE! TOLD YOU SO!
from the Los Angeles Times:
During a trip to Washington, the generals said the presence of U.S. forces was fueling the insurgency, fostering an undesirable dependency on American troops among the nascent Iraqi military, and energizing terrorists across the Middle East.
Donald Rumsfeld is giving the President his daily briefing. He concludes by saying: "Yesterday, 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed."
"OH, NO!" the President exclaims. "That's terrible!"
His staff sits stunned at this display of emotion, nervously watching as the President sits, head in hands.
Finally, Bush looks up and asks, "How many is a brazillion?"
Hat tip to the always hilarious Jay.
First things first: let me say this quickly and simply. I do not care about John Roberts. The nominal energy liberal groups put forth to fight his nomination was wasted. Unless pictures had been produced of him in bed with a dead girl or a live boy - as the swell old saying goes - he was always a lock. I suspect the next nomination will be worth fighting. Hard. We shall see.
However - in the connect the dots department - I do find it somewhat compelling that on the day that Roberts became the head of 1/3 of the Federal Government that Scooter Libby found it in his heart to release Judith Miller from her confidentiality agreement - and she was released from prison. Odd timing. Miller has been locked up since July. Libby let her sit there for 3 months. Why now? There are potentially a hell of a lot of reasons but - Do I think there is a connection? Sure. It depends on just how damaging and high up the Fitzgerald investigation goes. Libby told Miller she could talk. That means what she has to say goes to Dick Cheney's office. Pretty high up already. Libby works for Mr. Dick. Speculation: Libby never does much of anything without Dick's knowledge. Will this Federal case go to the highest Federal court in some way? Lord knows, a sympathetic Chief Justice got these people their jobs in the first place. Is one in place now to save those jobs? Who knows? But is sure was an odd day for Libby to make that call.
I know a recovered alcoholic who says he drank until the wheels came off the car - and then tried to keep going. It is a metaphor, of course. A drunk who knows the party has got to end soon has one defining characteristic: belligerence. They have the astounding willingness to keep drinking long after all rational evidence suggests doom is in the offing.
So it goes with the GOP in general, and the Bush White House in particular. A few of today's headlines:
Indicted DeLay steps down from House post FEMA under fire again, now for Rita effort FEMA's Brown was warned early of shortages SEC Upgrades Sen. Frist Stock Inquiry
To induce another belabored, tired metaphor: the other shoes keep dropping. It is, in fact, raining shoes. Delay went down today. Frist has a blind trust that apparently only he could see. Rove will be indicted. ( sounds pretty cocky from a blogger in Hollywood - but it will happen.) The strangely accurate National Enquirer is reporting that W is drinking. This too, I sense, will play out in a bigger media forum. Michael Brown has vomited all over everyone - instead of doing what ex-Bushies are supposed to do - go away and shut up. The undeniably foolish response to Katrina, prompted the a week long photo op for Bush as Rita approached. Next to no one bought it. W's handlers once again confused being present with being engaged. And the pointless ache of Iraq continues to throb. Even those who pay no attention at all - cannot avoid the gas station.
And yet, the GOP drives on. Insisting that their irrational tax cuts have kept the economy expanding slowly...slowly... it wasn't masses of people using their houses as credit cards at all. And that we must "stay the course" in Iraq - though it is self evident that continuing to "stay the course" is precisely the problem. Whatever one thinks needs to be done in Iraq, the current policy is a mess. We either need a hell of a lot more troops on the ground, or we need to get out.
W and the GOP do have one ace in the hole: the opposition party is, seemingly, drugged and in a coma. THAT may allow the drunk to keep driving a little while longer.
Republicans (and these are the guys sending our kids to war):
Dick Cheney: did not serve. Several deferments, the last by marriage. Dennis Hastert: did not serve. Tom Delay: did not serve. Roy Blunt: did not serve. Bill Frist: did not serve. Mitch McConnell: did not serve. Rick Santorum: did not serve. Trent Lott: did not serve. John Ashcroft: did not serve. Seven deferments to teach business. Jeb Bush: did not serve. Karl Rove: did not serve. Saxby Chambliss: did not serve. "Bad knee." The man who attacked Max Cleland's patriotism. Paul Wolfowitz: did not serve. Vin Weber: did not serve. Richard Perle: did not serve. Douglas Feith: did not serve. Eliot Abrams: did not serve. Richard Shelby: did not serve. John Kyl: did not serve. Tim Hutchison: did not serve. Christopher Cox: did not serve. Newt Gingrich: did not serve. Don Rumsfeld: served in Navy (1954-57) as flight instructor. George W. Bush: failed to complete his six-year National Guard; got assigned to Alabama so he could campaign for family friend running for U.S. Senate; failed to show up for required medical exam, disappeared from duty. Ronald Reagan: due to poor eyesight, served in a non-combat role making movies. B-1 Bob Dornan: Consciously enlisted after fighting was over in Korea. Phil Gramm: did not serve. John McCain: Silver Star, Bronze Star, Legion of Merit, Purple Heart and Distinguished Flying Cross. Dana Rohrabacher: did not serve. John M. McHugh: did not serve. JC Watts: did not serve. Jack Kemp: did not serve. "Knee problem," although continued in NFL for 8 years. Dan Quayle: Journalism unit of the Indiana National Guard. Rudy Giuliani: did not serve. George Pataki: did not serve. Spencer Abraham: did not serve. John Engler: did not serve. Lindsey Graham: National Guard lawyer. Arnold Schwarzenegger: AWOL from Austrian army base.
Pundits & Preachers:
Sean Hannity: did not serve. Rush Limbaugh: did not serve (4-F with a 'pilonidal cyst.') Bill O'Reilly: did not serve. Michael Savage: did not serve. George Will: did not serve. Chris Matthews: did not serve. Paul Gigot: did not serve. Bill Bennett: did not serve. Pat Buchanan: did not serve. John Wayne: did not serve. Bill Kristol: did not serve. Kenneth Starr: did not serve. Antonin Scalia: did not serve. Clarence Thomas: did not serve. Ralph Reed: did not serve. Michael Medved: did not serve. Charlie Daniels: did not serve. Ted Nugent: did not serve. (He only shoots at things that don't shoot back.)
Democrats. Not in power in any branch of government.
Richard Gephardt: Air National Guard, 1965-71. David Bonior: Staff Sgt., Air Force 1968-72. Tom Daschle: 1st Lt., Air Force SAC 1969-72. Al Gore: enlisted Aug. 1969; sent to Vietnam Jan. 1971 as an army journalist in 20th Engineer Brigade. Bob Kerrey: Lt. j.g. Navy 1966-69; Medal of Honor, Vietnam. Daniel Inouye: Army 1943-47; Medal of Honor, WWII. John Kerry: Lt., Navy 1966-70; Silver Star, Bronze Star with Combat V, Purple Hearts. Charles Rangel: Staff Sgt., Army 1948-52; Bronze Star, Korea. Max Cleland: Captain, Army 1965-68; Silver Star & Bronze Star, Vietnam. Ted Kennedy: Army, 1951-53. Tom Harkin: Lt., Navy, 1962-67; Naval Reserve, 1968-74. Jack Reed: Army Ranger, 1971-1979;Captain,Army Reserve 1979-91. Fritz Hollings: Army officer in WWII; Bronze Star and seven campaign ribbons. Leonard Boswell: Lt. Col., Army 1956-76; Vietnam, DFCs, Bronze Stars,and Soldier's Medal. Pete Peterson: Air Force Captain, POW. Purple Heart, Silver Star and Legion of Merit. Mike Thompson: Staff sergeant, 173rd Airborne, Purple Heart. Bill McBride: Candidate for Fla. Governor. Marine in Vietnam; Bronze Star with Combat V. Gray Davis: Army Captain in Vietnam, Bronze Star. Pete Stark: Air Force 1955-57 Chuck Robb: Vietnam Howell Heflin: Silver Star George McGovern: Silver Star & DFC during WWII. Bill Clinton: Did not serve. Student deferments. Entered draft but received #311. Jimmy Carter: Seven years in the Navy. Walter Mondale: Army 1951-1953 John Glenn: WWII and Korea; six DFCs and Air Medal with 18 Clusters. Tom Lantos: Served in Hungarian underground in WWII. Saved by Raoul Wallenberg.
Hurricane Rita is entering the Gulf of Mexico. The latest projections have Rita becoming a category 3 storm that could hit Texas. The Florida keys have been evacuated. The United States has just suffered through a Category 4 storm that took out an American City. Bush is in the fifth year of his presidency.
On September 11, 2001 the United States was attacked on its own soil - excepting Japanese attacks on Hawaii and Alaska before they became states - for the first time since 1812. This attack was used as an excuse to draw the country into a war which has caused thousands of deaths, is currently unable to win, offended the world, and has forced us to depend on the Chinese to underwrite our economy. Before Katrina the single most damaging and expensive hurricane in our history was Andrew that hit south Florida while George H.W. Bush was President.
Using the logic of the those that support this family I submit this thesis: God is punishing America for electing Bushes to the highest office in the land. God in God's infinite wisdom is not pleased.
Please read the whole thing.
It was back in 2000 that Mr. Bush, in a debate with Al Gore, bragged about his gubernatorial prowess "on the front line of catastrophic situations," specifically citing a Texas flood, and paid the Clinton administration a rare compliment for putting a professional as effective as James Lee Witt in charge of FEMA. Exactly why Mr. Bush would staff that same agency months later with political hacks is one of many questions that must be answered by the independent investigation he and the Congressional majority are trying every which way to avoid. With or without a 9/11-style commission, the answers will come out. There are too many Americans who are angry and too many reporters who are on the case. (NBC and CNN are both opening full-time bureaus in New Orleans.) You know the world has changed when the widely despised news media have a far higher approval rating (77 percent) than the president (46 percent), as measured last week in a CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll.
Like his father before him, Mr. Bush has squandered the huge store of political capital he won in a war. His Thursday-night invocation of "armies of compassion" will prove as worthless as the "thousand points of light" that the first President Bush bestowed upon the poor from on high in New Orleans (at the Superdome, during the 1988 G.O.P. convention). It will be up to other Republicans in Washington to cut through the empty words and image-mongering to demand effective action from Mr. Bush on the Gulf Coast and in Iraq, if only because their own political lives are at stake. It's up to Democrats, though they show scant signs of realizing it, to step into the vacuum and propose an alternative to a fiscally disastrous conservatism that prizes pork over compassion. If the era of Great Society big government is over, the era of big government for special interests is proving a fiasco. Especially when it's presided over by a self-styled C.E.O. with a consistent three-decade record of running private and public enterprises alike into a ditch.
Who will fill the vacuum? I'm waiting.
And just an aside - putting Karl Rove in charge of rebuilding New Orleans reminds me of the Little Feat song - There's a fat man, in the bathtub, with the blues - I hear you moan. Karl Rove is the master of negative campaigning; how will he manage when he will be the one responsible for something?
Since the last election I must admit I have studiously avoided listening to George W. Bush speak. There is no point in belaboring the point that is made so clear on other blogs - the man has no integrity. What he says and what he does have never had much more than a passing acquaintance and after he got the job for another term, somehow, I saw no reason to pain myself with the irrelevance of his words. I got it in the first four years: If he said he would have a humble foreign policy - it meant we would invade a country that did not attack us. If he said the economy was growing, he meant the very rich were doing great and their help will now shop at Walmart more - so what's the problem? If he said he was for small government he meant that he was going to add a huge drug benefit to Medicare to get votes. No Child Left Behind meant Every Educator accosted with Erroneous Testing. Being decisive means every single decision has been delegated. And so it went, and goes.
I always have the remote handy if the TV is on.
Katrina was the exception. I listened last night. I was flabbergasted. W morphed. He seemed, at least at moments, to have turned into an big old expansive LBJ liberal. He promised the moon and implied that the moon was essentially a God given right for Americans anyway. We, as a nation, were going to throw our collective arms around our peeps on the Gulf coast and the Federal Government was going to be those arms. A New Deal indeed. I do not work under the handicap of believing that he means any of it. But for one night I thought maybe, just maybe, he meant SOME of it. Of course, by this morning, when he said all that cash was going to come from "cuts" in the budget - it was clear that he meant none of it. It was, as it always is with him, a stunt. The Bush part of the recovery effort is now over. He made a speech, said what Karl Rove told him to. The details will be kicked around, somehow the gulf coast will get through.
The current Bush presidency is, in effect, over. It peaked right after the 2004 election, and began the downward slope the moment he took sides in the Shiavo dispute. That was the moment everyone who had not paid him any attention thought "He did WHAT?"
They blew it with Katrina - and as friend said "There isn't a bottle of White-out big enough to cover this one up." After 3 weeks of blame, political machinations, and embarrassing statements the disconnect between what he says he does and what he actually does is just too great. The same friend also said last night " Of course he promised all that money, without asking for sacrifice. That's what people do who have never paid for anything in their lives."
W's poll numbers may drift up a bit here and there. But they will never return to what they once were. Nor should they. This month Bush earned our distrust.
My remote remains handy.
Nearly all the good things in this country can be traced to liberals.The end of slavery, the end of child labor, women voting, all voting rights, social security, the list is endless - beginning with the tea in boston harbor. The Tories were pro British. Let's remember something simple: the Left nearly always wins in the end.
There is a perfectly sane liberal agenda now that the majority already supports. We SHOULD talk more about values - however the power of the rethugs is based on good PR with the help of a media, that until a few moments ago, was asleep - not on what the majority wants. _Good old fashioned liberal values are still what makes America great.
Still we have party leaders like Pelosi who are running a party that stopped mattering in about 1977. They respond to everything as if losing was the assumption. There is still an illusion of 2 parties, as long as that illusion holds the Dems can recover. But not with this leadership. and not on blogs. and not by screaming "fascist" every 3rd word and not by interpreting every issue as if it were 1969, and we were at a "teach in" - and not by NEVER putting forth an agenda. AND MOSTLY NOT BY NOT UNDERSTANDING THAT INFORMATION IS STILL CONVEYED IN THIS COUNTRY ON TELEVISION. This is where national battles are won and lost. I don' t like it either - but it is true. The wing nuts are perfectly happy to dissort on TV all the time. All we have to do is demand fair play, demand to be heard ON TV, and tell the truth - over and over and over again.
And finally it is about CLASS, as much as race. or anything else. If we clearly defend the middle and lower class we win. Americans are fair. When we are engaged we are fair. Democrats have almost an absolute corner on "fair" at this point - and yet Pelosi and company dilly dally. Doing what, I know not. Where are the forward thinkers? Where are the visionaries?
and, to be blunt, why are their publicists not getting them on CNN?
There is no conspiracy - just startling stupidity and victim mentality. The far left will never win, as we are not a far left nation - but the country is naturally a little left of center. it is only BIG business, fear, and laziness that is stopping the middle/left from winning. Winning is a learned skill. We have forgotten how to win, and so we blog and whine about the end of "all good things" - which will continue our losing ways.
Dean was so engaging because he captured a whiff of common sense and truth - then mistakenly thought computers voted. Everything is BAD right now, with what amounts to the worst group of people ever assembled in charge. But it is not all lost. _SPEAK CLEARLY.SPEAK CLEARLY ON TELEVISION.We will win. why? Because we nearly always do and because we are right. It is that simple.
This would be my speech tomorrow night.
My fellow Americans. We are in trouble.
- It's time for shared sacrifice. I am NOT repealing the Estate Tax. Fuck that. We need the dough.
- I am going to tax the shit out of anyone who drives a vehicle that gets less than 20 mpg. Fuck you, you irresponsible dicks. PS - a hummer doesn't make up for dick size, FYI.
- I am going to give tax breaks to anyone who buys or has bought the following - solar panels, windmills, high efficiency appliances, clothes lines, double glazed windows, white (or light) shingles, insulation. And I want to thank the people who are trying to do their parts to help conserve.
- I am going to raise cafe standards. Meanwhile, I encourage all of you to car pool, combine trips, walk or bike. Shoot, I'll throw in a tax credit for buying a scooter. Not only will you save gas but you'll look cool. Ciao! Otherwise we'll start rationing. We should all be in this together, even if I have to make you do the right thing.
- National Health Care now. We will pay for it out of the 5 billion per month we spend in Iraq. (I'm pulling out by the way.) How can we compete with most industrialized nations when they have national health care and we don't?
- To anyone who moves their business offshore. Good fucking luck bitches. We are going to hurt you any way we can. Forget about any federal contracts and guess what - we're not giving you national healthcare. You have to be American...Not Bermudan.
- Out source? Fuck you, too. Cheap labor will not be so cheap anymore when I tax the shit out of you.
That's it - gotta get some work done. Thanks a lot for your time and have a great night.
When asked this morning to comment on the Roe versus Wade controversy facing Judge Roberts, Bush declined to take sides saying "Roe, Wade, whatever - Just get out of New Orleans anyway you can."
Thanks to Matt E. for the joke. Anyone heard any other good ones?
From The LA Times:
Robert Scheer: Finally fooling none of the people
THERE'S NEVER a terrorist around when you need one. Even a couple of suspicious-looking foreigners playing soccer near the Superdome as Katrina began to make landfall might have done the trick to get this easily distracted president focused. The war on terror is, after all, George W. Bush's obsession, obliterating any other consideration of the nation's well-being.
With a terrorist sighting, Bush likely would not have lingered on his Crawford ranch vacation, which he interrupted only for politicking and fundraising opportunities. Nor would Condoleezza Rice have gone shoe shopping while the world witnessed the sorry spectacle of the Gulf Coast in deadly disarray. And surely Donald Rumsfeld, who blithely attended a San Diego Padres game as New Orleans was filling with water, wouldn't have dithered for days before sending in troops to aid desperate Americans.
Even if our high officials bothered to care about the poor, mostly black victims of Katrina enough to change their schedules, the administration would probably have bungled the relief effort anyway, because the Federal Emergency Management Agency is now run by political hacks appointed by Bush who know zilch about disaster relief.
Read the rest - it's great.
Wakey, wakey, eggs and bacey. Let's just hope the media stays awake.
Check this out. Way too funny.
Seems the Sky truly is falling. One fine caption here says it all.
3 cheers for hedonistica. Hat tip to Kevin Elgan.
Incredible but true. Those on the Right, always prone to speaking out of both sides of their VERY LARGE MOUTHS, may have found their latest hero. One Mr. Glenn Beck - I admit to not paying attention to the legions of spewing wingnuts so I have blessedly never heard of this bloke before this story came to light - has reffered to surviors of Katrina as "scumbags" on the air.
I swear. tis true. He also seems quite proud of "hating" 9 - 11 victim families.
Our fiends over at Clear Channel maybe should hear what people think about this.
Let me tell you, I know from hurricanes. When Floyd was supposed to hit here I went to my week at the beach on North Carolina's Outer Banks. Floyd, being a boy, decided to follow me. We were evacuated and I ended up driving through the hurricane in a Mazda Miata with a sleeping schnauzer by my side. If you have never seen I95 with no other drivers on it or no lights at any of the exit ramps, good for you. I had gassed up at South of the Border before the curfew and was running very low by the time I reached Georgia (after driving through the eye). There was no gas at the first three exits. I wanted to kiss the guy at exit four who had gas for me to get home.
Then last year we had three storms blow through, including Charlie. Middle of August and no power for four days in Central Florida. If you have to take a cold shower, wet your head first and then the rest of yourself. It works really well.
So now I consider myself prepared. I have a gas grill with a side burner (coffee!), an extra tank of propane, canned goods, water, a battery operated television, a battery operated radio, flashlights, lots of extra batteries, an oil lamp, baby wipes (what if there's no water?), instant coffee, instant creamer. I'm ready.
But what if the storm had flooded my house and taken all my preparations with it? Store it in the attic? And when the roof blows off what happens?
I know how fortunate I am, I own a car and can (barely) afford gas to put in it, when it's available.
The people of New Orleans could have been as prepared as I but once the flood hit nothing mattered. All of your preparations are washed away. Anyone who wants to blame the victims - eat shit.
I cannot imagine living through the situation in New Orleans. Count your blessings and send your dollars to help the people of the Gulf Coast. Don't forget the SPCA. Mr. Sleeping Schnauzer thanks you for that.
A catagory 4 - or 5- hurricane barreled toward the gulf coast on Sunday August 28th.
The President remained on vacation until the following Wednesday. The Vice President of the United States remained on vacation until the following Thursday. The Secretary of State began a vacation - taking in a Broadway Show, SPAMALOT, on the Wednesday after Katrina hit. During the course of this week the actions of the head of FEMA, Mr Brown, were so consistently unhelpful and bizarre that it defies comprehension.
One can only conclude that this adminstration is a CLEAR and PRESENT danger to the safety and security of the United States of America.
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Let me make this short and sweet: George W. Bush and his entire administration should resign for neglect and blatant dereliction of duty. The disaster in New Orleans is overwhelming and the response by Mr. Bush was dangerous and pathetic. He is a national disgrace.
I am urging everyone who happens on this blog to write their local papers, their representative in Washington and their senators to demand that Bush and his entire administration relinquish power immediately.