NQ has a post up about the mini battle between Roger Ailes and Arianna Huffington. Ms. Huffington's issue du jour is the "hate" language she perceives from people like Glenn Beck. I suppose one could easily find words to prove her point. Ailes responds with the obvious - her site is full of inflammatory nonsense and has been since it began. Again, easy to find examples. Any decent soul who spent 30 seconds at Huffpo in 2008 came away needing a Karen Silkwood scrub down.
At this point, I'm adjusted to ridiculous straw men from buffoons like Huffington. Ailes I have little invested in -but he's at least somewhat intellectually consistent. Glenn Beck isn't sold as a smug, know it all, genius. Whereas the Huffington Post is the national repository of smug hysteria. She has no standing to call out Fox on language or hysteria. She's stupid to bring this up. The Huffington Post not only has never taken the high road - it doesn't even own a map that contains the high road.
Huffington needs a windmill to tilt at. Obama adoration is spent. Hope and change has sunk into its creepy, weird nostalgia phase- like pop rocks or Madonna. It mattered once for reasons no one can quite remember and no one will own even if they do. Obama love was the reason for Huffpo. It can be so no longer. So let's attack Beck...
The withdraw pain we hear Huffington excreting is actually the dull, aching knowledge that Obama's words didn't matter. His words amounted to nothing but distraction and deceit. Not only is he not the great and powerful saviour - he's not even a run of the mill politician. He's an errand boy, sent by grocery clerks....
Of course, Huffington and her ilk feign disgust with Beck and Rush and their words. The 2 projects Huffington oversaw in 2008 were the vilification of Hillary Clinton and the deification of Obama. Both done with words. Both failures. Clinton is riding high and Obama is overseeing one retreat after another. The Obama illusion Huffington carried water for has been destroyed as completely as Port Au Prince. Obama's words didn't matter and the millions strewn across the Huffington Post didn't either.
It be easy if Obama's collapse into managerial sub-mediocrity was the fault of the evil Glenn Beck or that devil Roger Ailes and their awful hate speech. Of course, this is top of the line, grade-A bullshit. Obama's first year was a failure because of Obama. End of story. The Huffington Post's Obama narrative collapsed under the weight of reality. Fox News didn't ruin Obama's year. Obama did. Accept it, Arianna. Leave Beck out of it.