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Friday, January 22, 2010

obama is not a liberal

In insisting that Obama is no liberal, this blog is one of a few that have been on the vanguard. I am damn proud of that. I spent a year insisting, yelling, screaming that Obama was not at all who people thought he was. The limousine liberal portion of the left, joined up with the moneyed elites that knew a Republican - any Republican- would lose in 2008. The limo Left is chock full of shallow idiots. As is the "Evangelical" right. In this case the Limo Left was either too stupid or in too much denial to settle down enough to see Obama for what he was and is: A narcissistic Chicago buffoon. These Democratic ATM machines and envelope stuffers usually have a moment in the sun during the primaries then settle down into supporting the mainline candidate. In 2008, with the active support of the corporate media (including FOX - which gave Obama a pass for months in order to allow CNN and MSNBC free reign to debase Clinton. They only went after Obama after their demographic was clearly repelled by him.) the limo Left demanded their Barack illusion stay in place. By any means necessary.

The corporate/Soros/Goldman Sachs elites had no such illusions about Obama. They supported him because they knew he'd pay off in power. For them, he has.

Obama is a NOTHING. He's a Barack-ist, who was and is perfectly willing to be an errand boy, sent by grocery clerks to collect an unfair bill issued by big banks. After all, he gets a plane, a mansion, and all the TV time he wants.

A liberal President would NEVER have agreed to TARP.

A liberal President would NEVER have ditched the public option and taken single payer off the table.

A liberal President would NEVER have allowed thousands more gay service men and women to be discharged for no reason.

A liberal President would NEVER, NEVER, NEVER have ditched public financing.

A liberal President would NEVER have made a secret deal with big pharma.

A Keynesian liberal would have targeted the stimulus toward actual job creation.

In 2009 a liberal President would have nationalized the most putrid banks, and spun off their investment banks. Instead, now we've had another year of banks screwing the rest of us with a broomstick and laughing about it - and a President who allowed it, only to see his supermajority ended. Now he's attempting to make up the ground that he lost last year because he was in the pocket of Goldman Sachs hacks and he suddenly realizes people are livid.

A liberal would be in the process of re-negotiating NAFTA.

No real liberal of any stripe would have hired Larry Summers upon election.

A real liberal President would not have overseen the creation of a pro insurance/pharma cabal health care bill.

True, thinking, liberals by and large have not been dipshits on foreign policy. (See FDR and Truman). Obama is.

If the argument is that Obama is a liberal for having spent more than the government has, then Ronald Reagan is a liberal. George W. Bush is a liberal. And Bill Clinton is a conservative.

