We knew Obama was a fraud before it was cool...



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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Mitt Romeny brought to you by Citi

Quite possibly the most vulgar of all Obama's broken promises was his flip flop on public financing. In that moment it was clear that liberals had utterly lost their way. The first round of the soon to become all pervasive excuses were made for Obama. Excuses on gay rights, NAFTA, the public option, indefinite detention...and on and on they went. With each excuse the Left degraded itself further. Selling off bits and pieces of its soul...and for what? Nothing. An errand boy, sent by grocery clerks...who made them feel good for a moment.

This week it is painfully clear how badly Obama has gutted the Left. The loss of Kennedy's seat. The final death of an absurd HC law. (that some on the Left tried and failed to defend.) Now the Supreme Court has thrown Obama's flip flop on public financing into sharp relief.

Exxon is now to be considered a "person" in our elections. And the S.E.I.U. And Wellpoint, and G.E., and the U.A.W., and Walmart, and Newscorp...all can now spend unlimited amounts of money to support a candidate. The final veil of legitimacy will be torn off. Expect to see

Mitt Romeny brought to you by Citi


The Obama re-election campaign, sponsored by Goldman Sachs.

The internet era's money bombs will now become quaint artifacts. What candidate would bother when they can whisper sweet nothings in Shell Oil's ear and get a massive ad buy?

Individual citizens are now even less important - if that was possible.

Can liberals fight this? Not easily. Their party has been degraded severely in 1 year. The great "liberal" hope has tanked in office. And he already threw public financing under the bus anyway. The Left refused to question Obama in 2008 and now they are all but castrated. Yes, if Clinton had won the Left would be vital. Engaged. Instead they chose a celebrity, not a President.

Liberals might be able to stand and fight. On principle. Except, of course, they dumped their principles in 2008.

