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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Looking For A Few Good Liberals

By 'tamerlane'

I first came to Liberal Rapture in search of like-minded people, that is, other ex-dems, disgruntled dems and independents, who were immune to the Hopium, and who were repulsed by the atrocious behavior of the Democratic Party, yet who still embraced the principles of true liberalism. In other words, the pumish.

I'd dallied at other PUMA blogs (I still do) appreciating their observations, while posting the occasional comment. But I never felt fully comfortable joining any of their commenter 'clubs' .

Something about LR made me feel at home. JSOM's sharp wit, clear insight and directness certainly was the key. His and my sociopolitical outlooks, while not identical, were very compatible. And the intelligent, clever, sometimes hilarious comments from readers struck a chord as well. I felt I was finally among friends. So, little by little, I started chiming in, and it wasn't long before I was a frequent commenter and then regular guest poster.

I do enjoy a stimulating debate, but I'm not so naive as to think that polemics can change anyone's core political views. My objective is to discuss ideas, and debate pressing questions with like-minded people. And there is plenty for us liberals to hash out, particularly getting down to brass tacks on how to rescue true liberalism from its current Obamalonian Captivity. We don't have time to waste on shouting matches with people who hold antithetical views.

Something has changed at LR over the past few months. JSOM's posts are as on-target as ever. But the comment streams have gradually become filled with conservative talking points. The discussions have become shrill and unproductive, as fundamental liberal principals are first attacked and then defended in ever more strident tones. Many of those voices, who first drew me to this blog, rarely speak now, or have gone completely silent. Surely many more 'lurkers' sit mutely on the sidelines, hesitant to jump in the midst of the quarreling. How many, I wonder, simply don't bother coming 'round any more?

This has happened before on at least one other PUMA blog. The comment streams at Hillbuzz, once one of the most astute and wickedly funny of the liberal anti-obama sites, eventually become so inundated with conservative junk the blog should have been renamed "Killbuzz." I'd been an Hillbuzz regular, but the party-crashing neanderthals induced me to leave long before the blog's authors altered their content to suit the new clientele.

Pew Research periodically conducts demographic surveys of American political viewpoints. The most recent one, entitled "Beyond Red vs. Blue," is a bit dated (2005), but still illuminating. Pew identifies nine "typologies" - three left-leaning, two center, and three right-leaning - that transcend Dem / GOP labels. The largest group are the what Pew names "Liberals". Pew's website has a short test you can take to see what group you fit into.

No shocker that I come up as a "Liberal", which Pew identifies as most strongly:

- Pro Choice
- Supportive of gay marriage
- In favor of environmental protection
- In favor of social programs
- Preferring diplomacy over military intervention

And least likely to:
- Belong to a bible study group
- Own a gun
- Support the Patriot Act

Interestingly, of the left-leaning groups, Pew's Liberals express the weakest identification with the Democratic Party.

As I mentioned, I'm looking to talk with fellow anti-obama liberals. I'd even prefer debating a left-leaner who still supports obama, over a conservative who hates obama because he's too "socialist."

Based on its content, I figured I'd be among fellow liberals at LR. I'm not so sure anymore. So I have two favors to ask of you, the person reading this. First, take the Pew political test. Then, even if you've always only lurked before, comment on this post by stating your result. If you're a true liberal or left-leaner, let's talk more often. If you are not, then we have nothing to say to each other.

(c) 2010 by 'tamerlane.' All rights reserved.

Tamerlane blogs regularly at True Liberal Nexus

