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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Get Wall Street out of the American Government!

I offer a loud second to Cannonfire's post today on Peter DeFazio. Mr. Cannon boils it down to 4 simple words: We have been betrayed.

Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-OR) wants Goldman boys Geithner and Summers removed. More than that, his interview on MSNBC's The Ed Show signals a significant shift on the Left. Democrat DeFazio, without apology or excuse, condemns Obama's economic team on the most liberal national news station. Further he insists TARP money go to small business and infrastructure - not Wall Street. Something that should have happened 11 months ago. DeFazio is speaking to the "New Deal" and "Jacksonian/Clinton" Democrats that many assumed were the core of the Democratic party until 2008 - before Soros and the Whole Foods/Cocktail Party/Frank Rich/Daily Kos Left conned their way into the nomination.

As I've said before the party in danger of splintering in the short term is the Democratic - not the GOP. The GOP has shown that it can and will build winning coalitions based on economic conservatism. As opposition, the Pelosi/Reid/Summers/Obama party cannot survive if unemployment stays high. The natural constituency for this wing of the party - the "creative class" - is about 20% of voters. Obama is an aberration. Without the agony of Bush, massive media backing, and funding from various elites, Obama's 2008 campaign would have more closely resembled Howard Dean's in 2004. Alleged economic liberalism and creative class smugness equals rump party status as soon as the fog clears. (Obama is not a liberal, he's a Chicago/Tammany Hall style politician) The Jacksonian Democrats -won by Hillary Clinton in the 2008 primaries- voted for Obama in the General. They will move to the GOP, as they did in the 80s, if the Democratic Party does not represent their interests. Currently, it does not.

DeFazio's repudiation of Obama's economic policy is a turning point and good news for PUMAs. Obama's honeymoon has been over for the GOP since February, for Independents since the summer - now it is over for populist wing of his own party. Thank God.

DeFazio signals that there will be opposition to Obama from the genuine, populist Left. Here's to hoping it takes root.

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