Four Links - Reader's Choice!

Thanks Peter!
Thou shalt not be gay and lead. If thou shall be gay thou shall sit quietly in a back pew and put money in the basket only. And never have sex or be happy. Or experience romantic love. Or family life. Or do any work except in hair salons, in design, and punching up tired jokes straight men who are afraid of women write for bad TV aimed at other straight men who are afraid of women....for if you do anything else it would be clear that my life of quiet desperation f-ing sucks...ECLA splits over gay clergy-Homophobic Lutherans plan to take their toys and leave if the denomination decides to behave like...uh...Jesus would.... -
Thanks some dude in South Dakota.
Heterosexuals should be disallowed from marrying and raising children...their track record is appalling. Mom encourages cop to taze her ten year old daughter. FYI: in the state where this happened it is illegal for hardworking, sane, compassionate, loving gay people to adopt. -
Thanks B.D.!
I do not miss the 70s. Didn't like them the first time. Why are we hell bent on reliving them? Three Mile Island leaks radiation.
Thanks Jay!
Poll: Cast your vote in the Buffoon of the Year first round! 5 will move on to the finals!
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