We knew Obama was a fraud before it was cool...



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Friday, October 16, 2009

What exactly have you cleaned up, Mr. Obama?

Obama doesn't get it. He explained to some DNC money types that "he's busy cleaning up somebody else's mess. " Where did he say this? San Francisco, of course. The Pelosi Cone encases Democratic politicians when they alight in San Francisco like a hypoallergenic mattress cover. Obama blaming Bush (the "somebody else") 9 months in doesn't wash in most of the country. Most of the country hired Mr. Obama to:

A. Lead.

B. Clean up the mess, not whine about it.

C. Use his mandate and majorities in congress to affect change.

This far he's failed on all counts. Confusing, in classic Obama form, activity with action and intentions with accomplishments.

In less than a year Obama has frittered away his mandate. He punted both the stimulus and healthcare to congress. (It's impossible to imagine LBJ or FDR allowing congress to run the show.) Foreign policy under Obama ought to be called lovely intentions I read about in college. Most damning: he's refused to take control of the sick and criminal financial sector.

The remarkable aspect of Obama's comment above is that it is an outright lie.
He is not "cleaning up" anything. TARP was of Bush's economic policy- Obama's extended and expanded it. When Obama asks Democrats to support his 'clean up' he's asking them to support policies Bush started. Support them if you like - but at least know where they originated.

What else has Obama 'cleaned up' in 9 months? Wall Street is on a 6 month upswing. Is that Obama's doing? Doubtful. And it when sinks again who fault is that?

Has he 'cleaned up' Iraq? No, he's following a plan started under Bush.

Afghanistan? There is no discernible Obama policy.

Health care? It's been botched by Democrats...lead - in theory at least - by Obama. The health care insures even managed to get an anti-trust exception - who needs Republicans with Democrats like these?

So what is Obama referring to when he claims to be our national cleaner? Nothing, except...wait for it...himself. He's President therefore - in Obamaland - things are automatically better.

Note: I found the image above randomly on the internet. I have no idea who made it. Whoever you are: I commend you.

