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Friday, September 25, 2009

Yes, Mr. President, break this promise.

Obama, the promise breaker, is about to break another one. This one we can be happy about. Through out the campaign BHO insisted that he would hold high level talks with the Iranians without conditions. Everyone from Hillary to McCain excoriated Obama's naivete. The LA Times is reporting that finally...FINALLY...Obama may be coming to terms with the reality of Iran:

Outreach to U.S. adversaries was a signature campaign issue for Obama. During a Democratic presidential debate in July 2007, his chief adversary and now secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton, argued that such an approach might be unwise.

It was "disgraceful," Obama said then, that the George W. Bush administration hadn't sought a dialogue with countries such as Iran....The administration seems to be discarding the optimistic scenario...

It's about damn time.

If Obama grows a set, and if he and the Russians and Europeans follow through and put real pressure on Iran it is possible an almost certain Israeli attack - that would send the world lurching toward hell - can be averted.

The bizarre thought process behind Obama's thinking last year was foolish on two fronts. One, he apparently thought the Iranians would happily - and suddenly - become honest negotiators. Two, he utterly disregarded Israel as a player. As if the Israelis would surely follow our naive lead. It was idiotic and had no basis in reality. Israel takes care of its business, with or without the support of American administrations. In the real world Israel's concerns in the region must be taken in to account whether one agrees or not. It was almost as if it had not occurred to Obama that Israel's concerns were a factor and that they might act on what they saw as their best interests.

Obama was called naive and weak for his campaign stance on Iran. No one got to the rub of it though - it was cocky. It was the policy pronouncement of a man utterly convinced that he, and he alone, could change thousands of years of history merely by showing up.

The delusional Obama who thought it was a good idea to sit down and chit chat with the murderous maniacs who run Iran needs to be put out to pasture. For good. A tougher, realistic President needs to come to the fore.

Yes, Mr. President, break your promise on Iran. Belligerence is not called for. Toughness is.

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