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Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Red Hot Wonder Kunstler Palin Peppers, with a dash of oil and debt slavery.

1. Kunstler is ripping good this week. I recommend his post highly. He covers health care and other topics. Here is one little taste regarding Obama's sliding poll numbers among white voters:
I think it is about Mr. Obama's shoveling of huge sums into Wall Street, and the unabated obscene money-grubbing by the executives there-while millions of ordinary people get thrown out of their houses, lose jobs that they'll never get back, and slip-slide permanently out of the middle class.

2. Oil Spin. Matthew Simmons responds to the current round of Peak Oil denial.
...alarming data from the International Energy Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy shows that the flow of global crude oil peaked in 2005 and is now sliding steadily...

3. Debt relief. Check out the first line in this piece from Marketwatch about the debt Americans paid off in July.
U.S. consumers sharply reduced their debt in July, posing another threat to the nascent recovery...

It's a perfect microcosm of how ass backward the economic elites are. The 'little people' paying off debt is bad news to these trolls...Actually, on Planet Sanity, where Wall Street never alights, debt is bad and solvency is good.

4. Palin Watch. She has a piece in the Wall Street Journal. As I've often done before, I'll say - I don't agree with her much- but if you're a political junkie like me - she remains one to watch. The bad P.R. advice that plagued her for nearly a year is being corrected. The Wall Street Journal telegraphs seriousness.

5. Because I feel like it:

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