Morning Thought
*John Smart believes no one should die because they cannot afford healthcare, and that Obama should stop "requesting" a public option and draw a damn line in the sand and demand it. And he should stop trying to suck up to Republicans and thinks he should tell the damn blue dogs to go to hell. Oh, and no one should go broke because they get sick. If you agree, please post this as your status for the rest of the day.
*some of you know about the annoying advent of "Facebook activism" in which people pass bromides for simpletons around and ask them to be placed as status updates. It's the narcissist's version of taking a stand. A naive version of the above is the latest nonsense. I re-wrote it to better reflect my views.
It's nice to feel convinced you're contributing without ever getting off your ass. I remember when everyone protested the Iraq invasion by leaving their headlights on all day!! Yeah! Good times! It was like Woodstock!
*some of you know about the annoying advent of "Facebook activism" in which people pass bromides for simpletons around and ask them to be placed as status updates. It's the narcissist's version of taking a stand. A naive version of the above is the latest nonsense. I re-wrote it to better reflect my views.
It's nice to feel convinced you're contributing without ever getting off your ass. I remember when everyone protested the Iraq invasion by leaving their headlights on all day!! Yeah! Good times! It was like Woodstock!
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