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Wednesday, September 09, 2009

And so it went...

Hearing rumors that Joe Wilson screamed "You're a Liar!" during the speech. This, unlike the speech itself, I'd like to have seen...UPDATE HERE TOO: For some strange reason I thought the Joe Wilson who yelled "You are a liar" during the speech was the one married to outed spy Valerie Plame. Which made for a bizarre scene mentally. It was not. It was some GOP from South Carolina. It's bad politics on his part as it's bound to overtake any GOP message for a few days. Though, the yelp itself doesn't really bother me. Why? If a Democrat had yelled "Liar!" at Bush during his Iraq speech to Congress, I'd probably have been pleased as punch. 90% of the Democrats who will ream Wilson in the next few days would have been too. In fact, the yeller would have become a gilded poster boy.

Though, I hear the speech was good - my predictions from last night stand.

-He will request a public option but not demand it. Check!

-The media will go nanners about the speech for a few days. I presume this is happening. We'll see. I'm sure the obots are orgasmic as well.

UPDATE: It looks like the reviews are somewhat mixed from the Obots. From what I gleaned briefly: Huffington is, of course, full of the insane kool aid crew. Kos is mixed but pretty distrustful of Obama. Americablog has a lot of Obama nay saying going on. At one point he's called a "dickless wonder". (Did the Soros money finally run out over there?) Experience tells us that there is time lag between when Obots hear Obama's words and when they realize they are meaningless. It used to be months. Now it's a few days.

-The public option is dead. Yeah, this is an almost check. It will take a few weeks to make it official.

-A reform bill of some sort will pass before the end of the year. No brainer. Almost check.

I am glad he spoke about certain restrictions taking place immediately...not in 4 years. It's politically toxic for reform laws to take 4 years to implement. He needed to get ahead of that coming trainwreck. The fines for not buying insurance are still a problem that will enrage people.

