Ron Paul on gay marriage.
Has anyone seen this interview with Ron Paul? I just came across it. Paul states without equivocation that gays should be allowed to marry. I find myself in agreement with everything he says.
As many of you know I defend my chosen label of "liberal" but have remarked here a few times that in the end "We'll all be libertarians".
I say this with tongue not in cheek, as it's clear that the "Chicago way" currently in vogue in D.C.- government for the few, by the few, so that the many will have no say - is not liberalism based in the the idea that government must ensure the common good and expand individual freedom. Ideas that animated the Left in America for decades. The current crop of "liberals" are bought and paid for by an elite as surely as Bush's "conservatives" were before it.
(The most direct attack on this elite infrastructure would be public financing of all elections.)
As the Bushbama Government becomes more on invasive I am quite sure that those on the principled Left and those on the libertarian Right will find common cause. Here is a fine example not being reported at all in the MSM many on both sides would agree on: Bill would give president emergency control of Internet.
One final note, the quote - A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have - is being repeated often of late.
Please note that this applies most directly to the military industrial complex. Social Security administrators will not be showing up at our doors with rifles and on our streets with tanks when it's time to "take things away." The fear of big government is healthy and as American as it gets. This fear is based not only of its size - but in the knowledge that "our" government is not ours at all. Imagine a Federal Government populated by people who owed corporations and the super rich nothing and was only beholden to the citizens who vote. Now imagine how this year would have looked with THAT government.
Indictments, not bonuses.
A Federal Reserve that functioned openly. Or possibly no Federal reserve at all.
A real debate on health care, not a charade that benefits the few over the many.
Legislators that read the laws they pass because they function with humility, not arrogance.
As many of you know I defend my chosen label of "liberal" but have remarked here a few times that in the end "We'll all be libertarians".
I say this with tongue not in cheek, as it's clear that the "Chicago way" currently in vogue in D.C.- government for the few, by the few, so that the many will have no say - is not liberalism based in the the idea that government must ensure the common good and expand individual freedom. Ideas that animated the Left in America for decades. The current crop of "liberals" are bought and paid for by an elite as surely as Bush's "conservatives" were before it.
(The most direct attack on this elite infrastructure would be public financing of all elections.)
As the Bushbama Government becomes more on invasive I am quite sure that those on the principled Left and those on the libertarian Right will find common cause. Here is a fine example not being reported at all in the MSM many on both sides would agree on: Bill would give president emergency control of Internet.
One final note, the quote - A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have - is being repeated often of late.
Please note that this applies most directly to the military industrial complex. Social Security administrators will not be showing up at our doors with rifles and on our streets with tanks when it's time to "take things away." The fear of big government is healthy and as American as it gets. This fear is based not only of its size - but in the knowledge that "our" government is not ours at all. Imagine a Federal Government populated by people who owed corporations and the super rich nothing and was only beholden to the citizens who vote. Now imagine how this year would have looked with THAT government.
Indictments, not bonuses.
A Federal Reserve that functioned openly. Or possibly no Federal reserve at all.
A real debate on health care, not a charade that benefits the few over the many.
Legislators that read the laws they pass because they function with humility, not arrogance.
Labels: big government, gay marriage, liberty, ron paul
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