We knew Obama was a fraud before it was cool...



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Saturday, August 22, 2009

Next time think before you vote.

The Hope and Change brigade is cratering. Obama's public ambivalence about the public option seems to have been a tipping point. It forced a moment of clarity on some of the drunkest Obots. They are seeing now that this President's words and deeds often do not match. This has been true his entire career. So many who were belligerently in denial about the man last year now cannot escape this truth.

As the months ahead unfold there will be many instances of deprogrammed Obots declaiming - as if it's news - that Obama is a fraud, duplicitous, inexperienced, not to be trusted. Do we take them by the collar, shake hard, and scream "WE knew this. WE told warned you about Obama!" Or do we welcome with open arms the prodigals upon their belated return to reality?

Frankly, the second choice is galling to me. The damage done by the Obama machine last year is incalculable and will last the rest of our lives. The apparatus of the world's oldest political party was overrun by callous elites and the infants they manipulated. Journalism evaporated.

So much of the criticism of Obama - ignored last year - is becoming par for the course. He's inexperienced, untested, arrogant, all talk, all show, sneaky, awkward without a script, Bush rendered in blue...These critiques are now coming from both sides.

I read this comment from a liberal yesterday: "Obama is a disappointment, bet let's not kid ourselves that Hillary would have been any better." This is false for one simple reason: Clinton's campaign was not based on a lie about who she actually was. The entire Obama campaign was a fabrication. A hologram in which we were conned into voting for a projection - not a person. This cannot be allowed to happen again. Campaigns must be about vetting and educating - not distracting and deceiving.

So whether we scream "Told Ya So!" or graciously embrace the kool-aid drinkers as they come to - let's not let the teachable moment slide past. Next time think before you vote.

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