Go away!
Information, (almost all of it useless and driven by personality, not facts or intellect.) is so relentless in our culture that there ought to be a cultural Time Out space in America. If you are a "celebrity" taking part in the bread and circuses distraction gestalt as our nation begins its final decent into second rate status, you should be forced to take periodic time outs. During celebrity timeout you must live in Amish Country or El Centro, CA (your pick) for 1 year. No communication. No forcing yourself on to radio, TV, or youtube, no tweeting, facebook, or sex tapes that are "stolen", no inane career moves to grab a headline, no inflammatory remarks, no faux outrage.
Also, certain topics are talked about so often and so shallowly that talking about them has become an avoidance method. Like the alcoholic who mistakes going to meetings for working a program...As long as we're yammering on about something we're making progress....right?
So my first nominees for a GO AWAY FOR ONE YEAR enforced 1 year timeout are:
The Race "Conversation". We ought to ban it outright for 1 year. I know...I know...free speech etc...it just a game, relax...A chunk of hucksters in this country are absolutely addicted to bringing up race. They are junkies and their drug of choice hurts us all. Let's ban referencing it at all for one year, forcing ourselves to frame social and news narratives through different lenses like say "class" or "personal responsibility". Try is right now. Think about the Crowley/Gates incident in terms of class, not race. What's it about then? Who is the hero(ine) if the entire story, from beginning to end, is reported through the lens of personal and civic responsibility? It won't change everything - but a year with no talk of race would move mountains.
Brett Favre - Gaaaaaaaawd almighty, retire already. Why do so many of the greats insist on playing until we are forced to watch them breakdown in front of us?
The free credit report.com slackers - Does anyone question why these manboys have crappy credit? The money intended to pay back student loans was spent on enough pot and munchies to sustain entire months watching Internet porn and Adult Swim. Duh. The only reason their bad credit surprises them in those commercials is because everything surprises them...the sunrise surprises them...people going to work in the morning is a real shocker!
Joe Biden. His "year away" may need to start at Betty Ford...everything about his gaffes a few months ago screamed "Happy hour starts at 3pm at Number One Observatory Circle!" His exile may have already begun quietly. He's been mostly off stage since the beer summit...at which he drank nonalcoholic Buckler...hmmmm....berry interestin....
Nancy Grace. Entities that live on the blood of others are usually called vampires.
Now you:
Who or what needs to go away from 12 months? You can add your own answer to the poll below.
Also, certain topics are talked about so often and so shallowly that talking about them has become an avoidance method. Like the alcoholic who mistakes going to meetings for working a program...As long as we're yammering on about something we're making progress....right?
So my first nominees for a GO AWAY FOR ONE YEAR enforced 1 year timeout are:
The Race "Conversation". We ought to ban it outright for 1 year. I know...I know...free speech etc...it just a game, relax...A chunk of hucksters in this country are absolutely addicted to bringing up race. They are junkies and their drug of choice hurts us all. Let's ban referencing it at all for one year, forcing ourselves to frame social and news narratives through different lenses like say "class" or "personal responsibility". Try is right now. Think about the Crowley/Gates incident in terms of class, not race. What's it about then? Who is the hero(ine) if the entire story, from beginning to end, is reported through the lens of personal and civic responsibility? It won't change everything - but a year with no talk of race would move mountains.
Brett Favre - Gaaaaaaaawd almighty, retire already. Why do so many of the greats insist on playing until we are forced to watch them breakdown in front of us?
The free credit report.com slackers - Does anyone question why these manboys have crappy credit? The money intended to pay back student loans was spent on enough pot and munchies to sustain entire months watching Internet porn and Adult Swim. Duh. The only reason their bad credit surprises them in those commercials is because everything surprises them...the sunrise surprises them...people going to work in the morning is a real shocker!
Joe Biden. His "year away" may need to start at Betty Ford...everything about his gaffes a few months ago screamed "Happy hour starts at 3pm at Number One Observatory Circle!" His exile may have already begun quietly. He's been mostly off stage since the beer summit...at which he drank nonalcoholic Buckler...hmmmm....berry interestin....
Nancy Grace. Entities that live on the blood of others are usually called vampires.
Now you:
Who or what needs to go away from 12 months? You can add your own answer to the poll below.
Labels: brett favre, Joe Biden, nancy grace, race conversation
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