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Monday, August 24, 2009

A boycott in faux liberal land.

A boycott is afoot in faux liberal land. The target this time is none other than Whole Foods Markets. The implosion on the Left since The Lightbringer entered the White House gates really gets no better than this. The Whole Foods Left is boycotting Whole Foods Market. If there is a better example of Brentwood/Huffington/Martha's Vineyard/Let's give lip service to the working stiffs though we secretly hate them asininity in 2009, I can't think of it.

After years of smugly mincing through the aisles of Whole Foods to purchase their overpriced tofu, "green" shampoo and free range tofurkey did they not know that Whole Foods is non union? Did they not know that next to none of the produce is local? That the owner and CEO is a libertarian?

No doubt, many of them did. But like the Obama zombies of 2008, principles never entered their arrogant pea brains. Whole Foods, like Obama, makes them feel that all important rush of smug. Like all children- their feelings blot out all facts. John Mackey, the C.E.O. wrote an editorial in the Wall Street Journal in opposition to Obama's fluctuating health care plan. This has caused the affluent, we know better than you, lefties to feel bad. Now they are so wee weeed off that their boycotting.

My God, how will they eat? Will we catch a glimpse of Ms. Huffington looking baffled and dazed in a Safeway? Will Piggley Wiggly parking lots be overrun by Volvos and Priuses? Will they actually buy local produce from someone who might really be a MEXICAN!!!???

For many years the Democratic party kept the entitled, fake Left in a box and used them for money. Much like the GOP used to do with the John Birchers. Get 'em to write checks, stuff envelopes and vote party line. The Democrats nearly always kept The Whole Foods wing off the national ticket. Gary Hart, Jerry Brown, Bill Bradley, Howard Dean...each admirable in certain ways - all got stuffed in the primaries by the mainline Democrat -Mondale, Clinton, Gore, Kerry.

That is until 2008. The Whole Foods wing went koo koo for the inexperienced junior Senator sent from Heaven by way of Chicago. They were so in love they tore up rule book - with some help from Mr. Soros.

Well guess what? Turns out Obama ain't all that. In fact, no one is quite sure what he is.


He's a socialist, fascist, corporate shill, smooth talking liar...pick your negative modifiers...it's bound to be true for a day or two.

In psychological terms the Whole Foods Boycott is properly called displacement.

...displacement is an unconscious defense mechanism whereby the mind redirects effects from an object felt to be dangerous or unacceptable to an object felt to be safe or acceptable.

It's safe to go after Whole Foods, though C.E.O. Mackey merely re-stated views he's already known to have. All one has to do is look at his business model.

Hmmm, ignoring facts because the lies feel so good...sounds strangely familiar...Why it's 2008 all over again!

Hey, all you feverishly pushing the Whole Foods boycott - you've been had! But not by Whole Foods Markets.

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