More on the errand boy
This blog has asked the question for months. Why haven't we seen the primary birth document pertaining to Obama - the long form birth certificate? Larry Johnson asks the question here - and also links to a NRO piece that gets to the pertinent issue around the Obama birth:
Obama is pathologically dishonest. His life is a lie.
NRO uses a tale Obama told about his first job after college in Dreams of My Father and lets us know his version is a lie.
Obama did not work at "a consulting house to multinational corporations"; it was, a then-colleague of his has related, "a small company that published newsletters on international business." He wasn't the only black man in the company, and he didn't have an office, have a secretary, wear a suit and tie on the job, or conduct "interviews" with "Japanese financiers or German bond traders"-he was a junior copyeditor.
Please read the entire piece. Obama's catalogue of flips lies needs to be known and remembered. As does his actual history.
The horrifying fact is that most Americans simply do not know the most basic elements of Obama's life.
Why don't the media-the watchdog legions who trekked to Sarah Palin's Alaska hometown to scour for every kernel of gossip, and who were so desperate for Bush dirt that they ran with palpably forged military records-want to dig into Obama's background?
This question asked by Andrew C. McCarthy in the NRO piece is the rub. We should all ask this question and avoid the knee jerk answers: They love him, They are 'liberal' and he is 'liberal', they are afraid of being accused of racism...
None of these answers add up or stand up. Obama is the most protected public figure in my lifetime. His books and the media's narrative of his life have had almost no counter narrative. Can anyone think of another politician who has risen so quickly with almost no struggle? No blowback? Judges release confidential records that destroy opponents. State legislators hand off credit to him for work they did. The entire power apparatus of the Democratic Party bends over backward to ensure his nomination. The media covers up and ignores every unpleasant fact about the man. This same "liberal" media relentlessly attacked both Clintons and came unhinged with bile directed at Sarah Palin.
Why is this? I ask with absolute sincerity. Why is this? In my more snide moments I've taken the Brando line from Apocalypse Now as my short hand for Obama: He's an errand boy, sent by grocery clerks...
We need to know who the grocery clerks are.
Obama is pathologically dishonest. His life is a lie.
NRO uses a tale Obama told about his first job after college in Dreams of My Father and lets us know his version is a lie.
Obama did not work at "a consulting house to multinational corporations"; it was, a then-colleague of his has related, "a small company that published newsletters on international business." He wasn't the only black man in the company, and he didn't have an office, have a secretary, wear a suit and tie on the job, or conduct "interviews" with "Japanese financiers or German bond traders"-he was a junior copyeditor.
Please read the entire piece. Obama's catalogue of flips lies needs to be known and remembered. As does his actual history.
The horrifying fact is that most Americans simply do not know the most basic elements of Obama's life.
Why don't the media-the watchdog legions who trekked to Sarah Palin's Alaska hometown to scour for every kernel of gossip, and who were so desperate for Bush dirt that they ran with palpably forged military records-want to dig into Obama's background?
This question asked by Andrew C. McCarthy in the NRO piece is the rub. We should all ask this question and avoid the knee jerk answers: They love him, They are 'liberal' and he is 'liberal', they are afraid of being accused of racism...
None of these answers add up or stand up. Obama is the most protected public figure in my lifetime. His books and the media's narrative of his life have had almost no counter narrative. Can anyone think of another politician who has risen so quickly with almost no struggle? No blowback? Judges release confidential records that destroy opponents. State legislators hand off credit to him for work they did. The entire power apparatus of the Democratic Party bends over backward to ensure his nomination. The media covers up and ignores every unpleasant fact about the man. This same "liberal" media relentlessly attacked both Clintons and came unhinged with bile directed at Sarah Palin.
Why is this? I ask with absolute sincerity. Why is this? In my more snide moments I've taken the Brando line from Apocalypse Now as my short hand for Obama: He's an errand boy, sent by grocery clerks...
We need to know who the grocery clerks are.
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