I like to know what I'm talking about before I speak
After it took 3 days for Obama to respond to the uproar over the AIG bonus he snapped "It took us a couple of days because I like to know what I'm talking about before I speak."
However, last night, without all the facts, Obama claimed that Cambridge police officers "behaved stupidly" in arresting Professor Gates for disorderly conduct.
This alone should give one pause. It is a little insight into this POTUS's priorities. Rich executives looting the Treasury get a pause for deliberation and fact finding. Cops do not.
From a political standpoint it could not have been a worse word choice from a President. Especially this one. Not because he is biracial though. Because he presents to often as the effete professor to begin with. Calling working men and women - in any profession - "stupid" ranks with "bitter, gun clingers" as a remark soaked in class bias. That fact that this President's non - government job resume includes law offices, doling out cash for William Ayres, and "community organizing" doesn't help.
Further, there is no indication that the police in this case behaved stupidly at all. So the comment was unfair, based on assumptions not facts, and angered police around the country. Officer Crowley's union has already stated that Obama will "regret" his remark.
A friend called this morning and asked what I thought of Obama last night. I said I felt that the only news in that news conference was Obama's remark about Gates' arrest.
This is now clearly true. The only news on the health care front on the day after he went national with his pitch - is the Democrats walking away from the President's deadline.
So far. So bad.
However, last night, without all the facts, Obama claimed that Cambridge police officers "behaved stupidly" in arresting Professor Gates for disorderly conduct.
This alone should give one pause. It is a little insight into this POTUS's priorities. Rich executives looting the Treasury get a pause for deliberation and fact finding. Cops do not.
From a political standpoint it could not have been a worse word choice from a President. Especially this one. Not because he is biracial though. Because he presents to often as the effete professor to begin with. Calling working men and women - in any profession - "stupid" ranks with "bitter, gun clingers" as a remark soaked in class bias. That fact that this President's non - government job resume includes law offices, doling out cash for William Ayres, and "community organizing" doesn't help.
Further, there is no indication that the police in this case behaved stupidly at all. So the comment was unfair, based on assumptions not facts, and angered police around the country. Officer Crowley's union has already stated that Obama will "regret" his remark.
A friend called this morning and asked what I thought of Obama last night. I said I felt that the only news in that news conference was Obama's remark about Gates' arrest.
This is now clearly true. The only news on the health care front on the day after he went national with his pitch - is the Democrats walking away from the President's deadline.
So far. So bad.
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