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Monday, June 29, 2009

What is one to think about the libertarians?

What is one to think about the libertarians? I ask this with some sincerity. The next big wave in American politics is not a return of conservatism - though that is coming - it is libertarian. A repulsion against government intervention is growing. This is both par for the course for the U.S. and also based in something relatively new: The belief that the Federal government and the banks that wrecked the economy are essentially the same entity. Should Obama's interventions botch things further - which now seems likely - this perception will grow.

I don't see either party as being able to fully engage the growing libertarian impulse.

The GOP has the advantage as it has a strong libertarian wing already. However, the power of the social conservatives repel many who might find a home there. Additionally, the GOP brand is damaged severely.

Let me be up front, I type this post as an observer not a cheerleader. Hard core libertarianism make me nervous - get too far into it and it appears to be anarchy. That said, I am essentially a pessimist now. The credit based economy is kaput. Obama's chance to re-vision a truly new basis for American strength - mostly by demanding sacrifice and speaking harsh truths - has been blown. Obama's problem has been that he talks in broad strokes but his actions, in the end, are cautious. He talks as if he got a mandate -which he did - but he governs as if he won a mere plurality.

So who has the animating ideas going forward? The only potential I see to galvanize a broad swatch of Americans lies with the libertarians.

Whether I like it or not.

