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Friday, June 26, 2009

Saturday Stuff

What does Hillary know?
Stuff going on the background around the U.S. dollar is scary and getting scarier. What does it mean if this is true? Some U.S. embassies worldwide are being advised to purchase massive amounts of local currencies; enough to last them a year. Whoa. Remember Hillary's quote when she was asked in New Hampshire why she was running, "cried" and said "Because I see what's coming..." Also remember that her first official trip overseas as SoS was to China- not the customary Europe. China again called for a non dollar reserve currency on Friday. The devastation a run on the dollar would bring to all of us is impossible to calculate. But it would be devastating. Like the American economy itself, the Humpty Dumpty dollar is wobbling on the fence, hoping reality doesn't hop along and give it a shove. Brazil, Russia, India, and China appear ready to shove at any moment. And lest the tin foil crew feel left out, the Web Bot pegs the dollars decline and final "death" as occurring between Fall of 09 and March of '10. The dollar will be "rejected by all" within 6 months.

Damn You, web bots!!!

Are conservatives to soft on conservatives? The bible literalists who spend many a happy hour bashing gays because of a few bible verses are mighty forgiving of Conservative adulterers as Joe Conason points out here. The biblical punishment for adultery is death by stoning. I have yet to see a right winger pitch at stone at Newt, Sanford, Vitter, or Ensign. But lordy, lordy, say "Lewinsky" to one of them and watch them froth. I guess I don't have the translation of the bible that includes the phrase "Forgive the Republicans but keep on trashing the Democrats with all the invective at your command."

Speaking of men of "God", is anyone surprised that Jesse Jackson visits Jackson's Encino home?
If you build platforms for TV cameras Jesse will come. Like a fly to...

I actually have no opinion on Cap and Trade. Politically it is interesting that the House eked it through. If it survives the Senate, Rahm will be the man of the hour. Greenpeace has already condemned it as too weak from the Left and the GOP will throw all the firepower it has to kill it from the Right- and bring Barry own a notch in the process. Less principled GOPs, thinking in the long term, might want it to pass. Every bit of the sour economy that lasts until 2010 - and many, many bits will last, can be hung on this bill if the GOP so chooses.

We are leaving the "honeymoon" phase of Obama's term and - with this bill - entering the "Carter" phase. This is the type of bill that "Carterizes" a President. Everything about it just feels eggheady, over-thought, and birthed from the ivory tower. I sense the first phase of the Obama Presidency ended the moment the House passed the bill.

