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Saturday, June 20, 2009

"the moral and spiritual profundity of Barack Obama's thinking"

Below is an email in response to one I got last night from an acquaintance. It was an invitation to a political event. Realized this a.m. this is as good a post as any that will come out of me today...I've adjusted it to make it anonymous.

Dear XX,

I think the world of you and xxxxx. I am clearly out of step with many xxxx. Not a problem in itself. I feel no deep need to be in agreement with a majority. But being so opinionated and being a person who can rarely hold my tongue - there came a moment when I realized there was no need to cause discomfort for myself or others. Having said that, I read your letter today with interest....I must take strong issue with this:

"...the moral and spiritual profundity of Barack Obama's thinking. I am finding his leadership to be nothing short of transformative for our country and for the world. We must encourage President Obama to stay the course on some of today's toughest moral issues, making sure that in the face of fierce resistance, that he knows that we will support all courageous efforts to promote the well being, justice, and dignity of every human being."

Nothing could be further from the truth in my mind.

The Obama Justice department's recent defense of DOMA is degrading, immoral and diametrically opposed to every progressive...value. There is no "profound" thinking here. There is little evidence of "thinking" at all. Obama most likely had no legal obligation to defend DOMA - but even if he did- his Justice Department's use of incest and child abuse is gross beyond all reason. It flies directly in the face of his repeated promises on DOMA last year. Sadly, it is only one example of his saying one thing and doing another.

My distrust and dislike of Obama is known to many so my opinion may not carry much weight. I have to often discovered that Obama is the opposite of what he professes to be and my deep distrust of him has grown exponentially over time. But it is not based in blind anger. It is based in research. Be that as it may:

David Mixner's response to the sickening Justice Department brief is clear and to the point.

Mr. Obama's late signing of benefits for same sex partners in the federal government, while welcome, was largely redundant and did not include health benefits. Making it mostly a joke and a photo op to assuage some powerful and enraged gay Democratic donors. It did not. Nor has there been any political capital expended by Mr. Obama on this issue. Obama has punted on both DOMA and DADT. We are told to "wait" just as Dr. King was told to wait. I see every reason to support the courageous efforts of those working for justice and dignity. But I am baffled by the ongoing belief that Obama represents any real change. He does not. His actions thus far indicate an annoyance with and dislike of one of his core constituencies: Gay Americans. Though, a simple executive order to review DADT and slow it down is perfectly legal and within his power, he has not done it. Gay service members continue to be hounded out of the military. Oddest of all: over 60% of Americans now oppose DADT. Over 72% of service members stated in a recent poll that they had no issue with gays serving openly. There is little downside here for the President. There does seem to be one thing however - cowardice.

On closing Gitmo the President is wavering as I write. Of those who are held there, a full 75% will never get a trial according to Eric Holder. And many will be held in "indefinite detention" which is unconstitutional, against international law, and xxxx on its face. Obama will use the military tribunal to try some prisoners - which extends Bush policy.

He has expanded the "drone" war in Pakistan killing over 300 civilians so far by most counts - doubling Bush's fatality rate. This after a surge of 20,000 more troops into Afghanistan.

FISA not only still allows the unconstitutional invasion of privacy of Americans it has been endorsed and continued by Obama. How can this "change" be called change at all? Not long ago many of us on the Left were calling for the impeachment and removal of the previous President because of this very issue.

As for torture, there is little discernible difference to the one being tortured if it is done by Americans or by a foreign national after one is rendered overseas. Rendition is still American policy. It is Obama's policy. Outsourcing torture is not leadership. It is morally repellant. Further, Obama has flip flopped on being transparent on previous torture by the American Government using the exact same reasoning as George W Bush and Richard Cheney - and is now litigating against the ACLU.

(also- The lies told about NAFTA by Obama's team versus the current embrace of NAFTA - that he railed against disingenuously are well documented.)

Chris Hedges has been clear and principled on many of these issues

I hope xxxxxx will address these inconsistency's regarding Obama and xxxx. Though, there are many more issues that need discussion regarding the current administration.

The election of a biracial President in this country given its history is a cause for celebration. It does not excuse him from leading on the principles many believed he represented. Nor should it stop us from seeing clearly and holding fast to our values.


John Smart

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