We knew Obama was a fraud before it was cool...



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Saturday, June 27, 2009

Let's start the week with a big, hearty TOLD YA SO!

I feel I have not screamed: TOLD YA SO! in a while. I fully intend to keep on yelling it to, at, and toward any and all Obots for the duration. I was pretty sure I was right about Obama all along... though, of course, not 100% sure. He could have surprised everyone and been the great AMERICAN HOPE that was packaged and sold relentlessly and ruthlessly last year...

I girded my gut for some crow...even here on the outskirts. But I shall be eating none.

There is no need to rehash the list of his duplicity so far...it is already legion...The removal of 42 mountaintops in West Virgina and the defense of DOMA are the most disgusting and despicable. Yet, there is specific Obama bullshit galore. Not to mention the general creeping malaise setting in on the Left as they process and rationalize their own stupidity and denial.

The malaise is there too for those on the Right and in the middle who bought the crap. But it is not nearly as juicy as watching the the two-bit faux liberal Obama deadenders have the vice grip of THE ONE'S fraudulence slowly squeeze the air out of their lungs. The REALLY good news: It's still early! The "ohmigod, we were duped!" show has many acts yet to be seen...


When they start admitting they were wrong in droves I may feel some compassion. But not much.

Immature? Probably. Sometime after the 50th email telling me I was a racist, the 60th use of the C word to describe Clinton, the 70th time I watched otherwise sane people lose their minds - quite literally - while discussing Obama and Olbermann threatening Clinton's life...I stopped giving a shit if I appear "immature." It was hard enough saying "Are you out of your fucking mind?" to people I thought were sane...What was harder? Realizing that the answer was nearly always "Yes." They were, in fact, out of their minds.

I intend to continue typing "WE TOLD YOU SO" here. The grapes are not sour at all - if fact they get sweeter by the day.

What we said was happening was happening. What we said would happen in an Obama presidency is happening.

As I wrote in January Obama can't violate my trust because I have none in him . Nor can he disappoint. Anyone who paid attention knew who he was/is. A con man revealed only disappoints the conned.

There is a similarity between those who lost their fortunes to Madoff and those who sold their principles off (for a song) to Obama. Neither group asked questions. Both groups were taken in by appearances. Both groups felt good about what they were doing.

So who is really immature here? The bloggers pointing out that Obama - the politician -is nothing like Obama - the commodity - and taking some rightful happiness in being right? Or the buffoons who trashed Clinton so they could feel good about voting for the shill who made them...feel good?

Get used to "WE TOLD YOU SO!" Obots. It is getting louder everyday.

Today brings us 2 fun examples -

Exhibit A: Obama's lies about transparency:
The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Cheney Predacted
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorJason Jones in Iran

Exhibit B: Cheney Wins!
Obama forgets all his "moral urgency" regarding detainees.
Also for the MSM take read this.
George W. Obama has arrived.

