I See Nuth-ing!

ABC will moderate a "town hall" with POTUS on Health Care Reform. They insist, of course, that it will be unbiased. I could stop right here - ending this post with "lol".
But solider on we must. Linda Douglass, the White House communications director's previous stint was as a corespondent for ABC News. We are told this had nothing to do with the coming event in which Barry The ONE will take questions.
Riiiiight. And the Pope is secretly a woman, too. We are are not all total morons. I'd like someone at ABC to at least acknowledge that.
As always, the final test on this is - How would Democrats be reacting if the shoe was on the other foot? If Fox News hosted a town hall in the White House with W on any subject? If you guessed that Kos, and Huffington and the rest of that cabal would be screaming, frothing, and squealing BIAS! - you are correct. The tsunami sized hypocrisy is - yet again - audacious. Seriously, can the Left satirize itself any more than it already has? I don't think it is possible. They are, in large part, deranged.
The blessing here - and there is one - is that many of us now stand as witnesses to the destruction of the media.
And I don't care to hear any "we won the election" or the media gave W a pass for at least 6 of the last 8 years excuses. Both are true. The point is that liberals were beside themselves LOUDLY every time the media refused to seriously question Bush policy. The fact that so many alleged liberals have decided to play Sargeant I see nuth- ing! Schultz - now only proves that all too many had no principles to begin with. God knows Ms. Huffington changes her principles more often than Frank Sinatra changed underwear.
But some of us do have principles. Some of us really do. Shocking, but true.
Frankly, the media adoration of Obama has gone from annoying, to disgusting, to embarrassing and dangerous. I'd like to intone about democracy and the fourth estate and how- thank God - we don't live in god awful places that repress the press. But why? Their is no need to repress the media when it is more than happy to repress itself. Let's face it, the American media stopped trying a few years ago anyway. I'm even tired of my rants about the end of media responsibility in America. The sane and truly revolutionary action is quite simple: Ignore them. Turn off the TV. Find a news outlet online - one in which balance is a value not a slogan. For God Sake - seek some truth. Now.
Regulars here know I support - grudgingly - Obama's health care plan. That is not at all the point, though. I still value the quaint notion of that little thing called debate. If some Joe the Plumber type is allowed and willing to get in the President's face (Hat tip to the late Mr. Alinsky.) at the town hall - then this post is wrong and I'll have to write a retraction. But seriously - after what we've seen for the last 16 months - what are the chances that one - or more - citizens will be allowed to confront his holy Potus-ness with serious concerns about health care reform? Questions that require answers that will be difficult to hear. Questions that the 47% who did not vote for Obama might like answered..??
Besides what sane citizen, by asking a simple question that might make his highness look like something other than GOD ON EARTH, wants to subject him or herself to the churlish wrath of Little Miss Huffington's or Cheetos man's barely civilized banshees?
Mr. President, I am a waitress in Boise, please explain honestly how this plan will be paid for without raising taxes?
3000 Huffington commenters: RACIST! She not really a waitress! She is a hostess! Gotcha!! MY GOD RACISTS ARE EVERYWHERE AND THEY ARE LYING!!! Her children get Cs and Ds in PUBLIC school!!! They are STUPID!!!Her husband was seen in a truck running over cats!!! Stupid Redneckssss!!! She looks like Sarah Palin!!! PALINNNNNNNNN!!! That c*nt who beleives in GOD!!! I am so angry I spilled my wine spritzer on my laptop and had to go buy another one!!! Obama is smarter than us! HE knows what to do! HE has a plan for all of us!
Such, I am sad report, is the state of the American Left - and is only just barely an exaggeration.
My recommendation regarding ABC "news" this week: Don't watch.
"Television is not the truth...Television is a goddamn amusement park...We'll tell you any shit you want to hear..."
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